Chapter 19~ Truth or Dare

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Kind of short Sorry

                                                    Jessica's POV

"Are you up for a little truth or dare?" Louis says to me

"Well I don't know. I play it a little different than you."

"How do you play it?" Niall says

"First of all I use a bottle." I say as I get up to get a bottle.

"Second of all, If you refuse to do it, you get pranked." I say

"Thats way better than ours. Lets do this." Zayn says

So we all sit in a circle. Niall and Liam are next to me. Zayn is next to Liam. Harry is Next to Zayn. And Louis is basically sitting on top of Harry.

" Btw i'm a bad influence" I say and plug my Ipod to the stand and turn on P!nks Bad Influence.

I grab the bottle, put it in the center and spin. It lands on Louis

"Truth or dare?" I say

"Uh Truth" Louis says

I think about it for a moment. I really don't know anything about him. If I want to get my way, I need something to use against him.

"What is the most embarrassing thing that you have done but never told any of them." I say pointed to everyone in the room.

He crawls to me and whispers in my ear.

"When I was 10 me, my brother and my mum went to a pet shop. My mum took my brother to go use the bathroom. Suddenly, I had an uncomfortable sensation and I realised that I HAD to go to the bathroom and FAST. So I went to the back of the store, where I thought the bathroom was. Unfortunately for me, it wasn’t there. I went back to the aisle, praying that my mom was back. She wasn’t. It was coming, and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. In order to try to hold it in, I put my hands on my butt to keep it in. That didn’t work, obviously. Suddenly, it all just exploded and I had diarrhea. my hands were now pasted to my butt with crap from where I tried to physically hold it in.

I pressed myself into a corner while waiting for my mom to come back. Suddenly, these two men who work at the store come up. One of them laughs and asks if I’m hiding. I don’t say anything. I just stand there, hands pasted to my butt with crap. One of them starts sniffing and says, “Do you smell that? I think it’s the cat food. It must have rotted. We should come back and check it later.” So they mark it down to come back later.Finally, my mom came back with my brother. She said, “Sorry, Louis, your brother was constipated!” I turned around to show her that I was covered in poop. She just laughed. Then she went and got a grocery cart and filled it with the free newspapers from the front of the store and stuck me in it. I was eight years old, being wheeled out in a grocery cart, covered in poop. Later, my mom said, “Well, your brother couldn’t get it out, and you couldn’t keep it in!"

I just laugh and laugh. The boys look at me expacting me to tell but I just give them a ill tell you later look.

Louis spins the bottle and it lands on Zayn.

"Bradford bad boy picks Dare" He says before Louis can ask him the question

"I dare you to drink whatever Jess makes you."

"What your gonna make him mad at me!"

"Kind of the point"

I stand  up and grab every thing out of the fridge and put a little put of everything into the blender untill it's full. I blend it and give it to Zayn.

"Drink up Bradfors bad boy" I say 

"All of it?"

We all shake our heads yes. He chugs it all in a matter of 5 seconds. Then heturns green and runs to the bathroom.

"What did you put in there?" Liam says

" Everything that I could hold."

We all wait for Zayn to come back. Finally he does. He doesn't say anything. He just spins the bottle.

Sadly it lands on me.

"Truth" I say, knowing better not to pick Dare.

"I'll go easy on you and say that Everybody gets to ask you one question"

"Okay" I say thanking him

"Whats your favorite color?" Niall says

"Orange" I say

"Do you sing?" Liam says

"A little. I'm no good." I say

"Do you like carrots?" Louis says

" Sure" I say. I really don't but I don't want to tell him that.

" Are you a vampire?" Zayn says acting scared/

"No" I say

"Whens your birthday?" Harry says

I was hoping no one would ask that question. But I have no choice. It has to come out someday/

"June 7th."

"What year?" Harry says

"You can only ask one question" I say trying to get off of that topic.

Harry looks deep in thought. Everybody is staring at me.

"Are you sure your not a vampire?" Zayn says

"Yeah why?"

"Because your eyes were green a few minutes ago, and now there blue." Niall says

I immediatly get up and go to the bathroom. It's true. My eyes are sparkling blue. I quickly take out my contacts and put on my glasses. It happenes sometimes when ever I have contacts in. If I go 2 minutes without contacts or glasses, then the color in my eyes will turn rainbow. I don't know why. I asked my mom about it and she said that it is normal for me and didn't say anything else. She just gave me these cool glasses that made my eyes normal again. ( Pic on side)

I am so busy stressing out that I don't even see Harry standing right behind me.....

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