Chapter 3~ Saying goodbye

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  • Dedicated to Aulora Eales

***** 1 week ago *****

"Okay boys. You have a big assignment to do while your in America."

"What?" We all say at the same time

"You guys are going to be adopting a girl" Simon says


"Because you guys are irresponsible and you need to mature. But also for publicity. Now you guys will have her for 6 months to a year if everything goes as planned. If you really like her, One of you can adopt her. But it will be up to her. Now go to yuor plan. I will talk to you later when you get back."

Harry's POV

I couldn't help myself. I had to know if she was deaf or not.

"Are you deaf?" I say. I see her write something down:


She smiles and I laugh

There is an awkward silence for a while. Then I see her write something down:

WHAT DO YOU WANT? it says.

"I'll be right back." She nods her head

***Nialls POV***

I look at all the children having fun. But I see this girl Makayla that I want to adopt. All of the boys think that she is a little creepy. But Simon said that we had to adopt a girl for maturity and for publicity. Why a girl though? When I told him that Simon laughed and said We don't need 6 boys to have to put in line. I kind of understood.

"Where's Harry?" I say But then I see him. I quietly go up the stairs with the other boys behind me. Were here a wonderful singing voice. When the song she sings is over, Harry goes in. I take it as my cue to eavesdrop. The door is closed so we all put our ear on it. "Flirt." Louis says. I kind of agree. But I only hear one voice talking. Maybe they are whispering. All of a sudden somebody opens the door and we all fall over. Ending up in a big group on the floor. When we all untangle ourselves and we stare at each other.

Then I hear a girl laugh. Harry pushes us out of the door and closes it. She has a cute laugh. I didn't get a chance to see her face though.

***Harry's POV***

I heared whispers coming from outside the door. I told her I would be back. I'm going to adopt her. I don't know why. I guess she's just different. Good different.

When I opened the door my four weird friends come falling into a tangling ball. I laugh as they look up and quickly get up. Then something startles me. I hear her laugh. She has the cutest laugh ever. What did I just say?! I cant fall for her Harry.

I pushed them out of the door and closed them. I pushed them outside telling the home care girl (she doen't have a name yet) that we would be right back. Everybody looks around.

" I wanna adopt her." I said to break the silence.

"No! I wanna adopt Makayla!!!" Louis says

"You adopt Makayla. I'm adopting her."

"Umm Harry. Uncle Si said only 1." Niall says

"Guess Makayla stays." I can tell that I won this argument

Everybody sighs and says okay. I smile and go up to her room. I really gotta learn her name. I think to myself.

As I go up to her room I hear yelling.

"Show me what you are writing this second young lady!"

"What The- This is a suicide note! Jessica, your better than that!"

"What the point?"

I hear footsteps and go back downstairs. It is the home mother. When she walks by I tell her that I want to adopt her.

"Bad decision. Are you sure?"


"She's broken. Came from a bad family. You're not gonna last long with her."

"I don't care. There's something about her."

"Whatever. I'll get the papers."

Wow. Somebody doesn't like her. I wonder why she tried to kill herself. I go up to her room and hear crying. I knock and go in.

"What's wrong, love?"

She doesn't say anything. Maybe shes not in the mood for talking. She hasn't since I talked to her last time.

"Look. You may not be in the mood to talk but I just want you to know that I will always be there. Okay?" She looked up at me. I will never forget the sadness in her eyes. We stare at each other. Just as I get up to leave she gives me a hug.

I'm startled for a second. Then I hug her back.

" You alright now?" She nods yes. I smile and remember the message I was suppose to send her.

"Why don't you get packed and we'll get you out of here tomorrow morning?"

I see her face light up. I feel happiness inside. I know I did something good.

***Jessica's POV***

"You alright now?" He tells me. I nod yes. I really want to talk to him. He seems like a nice guy. But the only reason I don't is because it seems like everybody I talk to hurts me in some way.

Then the unbelievable thing happenes. I never thought I would EVER hear those few words.

"Why don't you get packed and we'll get you out of here by tomorrow morning?"

 I shake my head yes. I don't know his name but since he seems nice he can take me anywhere.  I can't believe that I'm leaving. I give him a hug. I hold up my finger telling him to wait a minute.

I write down a VERY important question that I need to know before I go anywhere with him.

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