Chapter 23~ The diaries

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Sorry this one is like super short. I promise I will make another chapter today :)

I look at my mom's Diary first

Dear Diary,

                 Well I did it. I told her that she was the chosen one. She looked like she believed me. She asked the questions that I can't answer. I have failed at defeating Sinkara. So my body will be dead. I don't know how I will die. But I will get another body in the other world while I wait for somebody to defeat Sinkara.

           Oliver was the Osirian with me, but since he was adopted we weren't that powerful. Since he to has failed he shall join me. Who knows. Maybe Jessica and Harry will defeat Sinkara.

Woah. She knew that Harry was my Osirian. That answered some question's that I had. Next I moved on to Harry's. My Osirian/Brother.

Dear Book,

                  Jessica's other brother totally flipped on us. I don't know what got into him. Today Zayn was acting really weird. While Jessica was getting ready, he started trash talking her. Then he said if we told her anything that he said, we were dead. So when she asked me what was up, I couldn't tell her. I felt really bad and I kind of sounded rude.

               Then we went to Nandos and this waitress started being mean to her and jess told her to take the chocolate out and Jess took it out for her. I was funny. Everybody was looking at her. Then Jessica left. Then Zayn started trash talking her again. I don't know what got into him.

Last but not least I read Zayn's

Vas Happinin?

                          Well, I thought it was a dream. But I guess not. This dark shadow ghost thing has possessed me. I don't know how to get it out. The ghost that possessed me is Sinkara. She in in my thoughts and mind. She makes me stare at Jess and talk about her. I try to stop but I can't The only time I am me, is when I am in a room with just me and Jess. I want this this out of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow I finally have all of the Answers I need. Time to start the Interveiws.

 Kind of short sorry .______.

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