Chapter 24~ The interveiw Part 1

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Comment if you watch Big Brother!!! I love that show! 

These next few chapters are going to be pretty short so sorry about that

Very Important Authors note after the Interveiws.

Jessica's POV

Okay now I have got some information about the poeple I need information about. Now I have to talk to them. First My brother, Osirian, Harry. I go downstairs to see that they are all watching toy story.

"Harry?" I ask

:Yeah" He says not taking his eyes off of the T.V.

"I need some help." I say.

"Okay be there in a minute."

I go to the kitchen and make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. For me it takes about 5 minutes because everytime I get domething on my hands, I have to wash it off.

 I notice that Harry hasn't even budged so I go over and grab him by the hair and pull him upstairs.

"Ow hair. Ow hair. Ow hair." He says

When we get upstairs I close the door and lock it.

"What was that about?" He says

"What the fuck is up Harry?" I say

"What do you mean?" He says

"Every since Zayn has been acting weird so have you." I say

"Look love, I have no Idea what your talking about. Zayn is Fine and so am I." He says. He tries to walk out but I grab his arm.

"Please tell me whats going on." I say about to fake cry.

He looks around the room. I think I finally won but I didn't he pulls his arm away from me.

"I trusted you" I say trying to see if he'll crack. But he doesn't so when he turns the knob, I let out all of my anger

"I HATE YOU!!!" I shout at him. I don't even think he cares. He just simply opens the door and walks out.

Now I'm not fake crying. I really am crying. I have lost both of my brothers due to Sinkara. I don't know what she did to Harry but I know shes inside on Zayn.

I sit on my bed and read some more of my moms diary. I tried to read Harry's Diary but it wasn't there neither was Zayns.

Harry's POV

I can't beleive I did that. I was going to tell her but I couldn't. Her face looked broken. She trusted me. Now she hates me. She even said it to my face.

It's all Zayn's fault. If he hadn't threatened me, we would be alright. I guess the boys heard her scream 'I hate you' because they are all looking at me as I go down the stairs.

"What did you do?" Niall says

"Nothing" I say

"Well you must have done something to make her mad." Niall says

"Well, I didn't" I snapped.

Everybody looks at me with disqust. Then Niall gets up, pushes me out of the way and goes upstairs to Jess.

What have I done.

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