Chapter 21~ Finding the last power

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Jessica's POV

"Oliver?" I say. I run up to him and give him a hug. After a while of hugging in silence Harry coughs and me and Olviver look at him then each other and then me and him laugh.

"Oh right. Oli, this is Harry and Harry, this is Oliver." I say

"I don't look like him." Harry says.

"Why would he look like me?" Oliver says

"Well, Oliver, this is our brother." I say slowly just in case he got mad.

"Oh. okay- WAIT!" He says his face going from sad to happy. We both look at him

"You to are related right?"

"Yeah" I say

"And you are the osirian, right?" He says looking to Harry

"Uh Y-Yeah."

"Do you know what this means!?" He says with excited eyes. We already know but we don't dare tell him.

"You two are going to be the 2nd most powerful wizards!" He says.

We all go back and forth looking at each other. And then I decide to change the subject.

"So Harry what stuff did you bring?" I ask him. looking at a confused Oliver.

"What are you talking about?" He says and sits down by me.

"Were going to share information and see if we can find anything." I say

"All I have is this really old book that won't open." Harry says handing me the book. As soon as I grab hold of the book, my locket starts glowing.

"Why is it glowing?" I say Since nobody answers, I decide to do a little experiment.

"Since it started glowing when I touched this." I say, then I set the book on the floor. My locket stop glowing. Then I picked the book up and it stared glowing agian.

"What does that mean?" Harry says

"It means that theres something in this book thats super important. And we don't know how to get it out." I say, banging my head against the book. Then the book opened.

"Woah" I say

"How did you did that?" Harry says

"Her locket also opens things. Certain things." Oliver says

"Really, you could have said that a few minutes ago." Harry says

"I didn't know. It's not like I was ever the Chosen one!" Oliver shouts.

Then it gets really heated. Harry and Oliver start this big argument. I kind of just zone them out while I look through this book. Then I hear my name.

"Jessica? Harry?" A british voice says. Harry and Oliver are still agruing so I cover there mouths.

"Jessica? Harry?" The voice is much clearer now. It's Louis

"Hide" I whisper.

We all go to different ends of the room. And wait for the voice to go away. But it doesnt. I scoot closer to the wall hoping Louis won't find us.

I try to wish us out of here but it's no use. Then my locket starts glowing. Oliver and Harry see it and there eyes grow wide.

I quickly take off my locket and glide it across the wall. Finally there is a little indention and it fits perfectly in there. Then a part of the wall opens.

I motion for them to come and we run into the room. When were all in I look out and see Louis coming right into the room. I ducked back into the room before the wall could close.

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