Chapter 16~ Finding my Osirian

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  • Dedicated to Alijah Ninjaboy Potts

So I have officially done 8 chapters in a row. After this one I'm gonna edit them all. I just quickly typed them. Here's a longer one.

On the side is a picture of what Sinkara gave to Makayla

Harry's POV

I decided to go into Jessica's room. She hasn't woke up or made any sign that she's awake. So there unplugging her today. I ask for 5 more minutes.

I guess she's not the Chosen One. They don't die. She's just me sister, lying there hopelessly. I walk into her room and I see her sparkling and changing colors Just like me!

She has to be the Chosen one because first of all she's sparkling, second of all She has the locket, and third of all the locket is glowing. Indicating that she has found her Osirian.

Wait. I'm her brother.

I'm her Osirian,

She's my Sister.

Shes the Chosen one.

That means-

My thoughts were interrupted by the nurses coming in to take the tubes off of her. I silently cry and look at her helpless body laying there

Then she says my name. Her eyes are huge.  She looks perfectly fine.Like nothing every happened.  Then sits straight up and stares at me.

I think she kind of scared the nurses to. The nurses quickly go get the doctor. So were here alone and shes staring at me.

"We need to talk as soon as I get out of here." She whispers to me

"I need to talk to you to." I say. I don't know what she wants to talk about but I know what I want to talk about.

The doctor comes and tells me to leave. I obey and slowly walk into the waiting room giving my time to think.

If she really is the chosen one. And were related, that would make us the most powerful duo ever.

I really don't get to think for long because I see the boys in the waiting room crying their there little hearts out.

"I don't know why you guys are crying. She's alright. She woke up as soon as they were about to pull the last tube off of her." I say with a smile. But before they can even talk I say;

"In other words, My long lost sister just woke up!" I say Everybody is really exited. There eys are huge. We all go in for a big group hug.

"I knew it! You guys looked just alike!" Niall says

"You guys act alike to!" Louis says

"And How do we act?" I say

"Stubborn." Zayn says

"I am not stubborn" I say crossing me arms over my chest.

"Yea whatever." Liam says

Its quiet for a while then everybody hugs and goes in for another group hug.

Then it gets quiet

"We tell her as soon as all of us are in the same room" Liam says breaking the silence

We all agree and wait in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to tell us the news.

They go into there separate conversations. Niall and Louis talking about what they are going to do when we go back to London. Liam and Zayn talking about movies they need to rent.

I sit there thinking about all of the stuff I have witnessed in these past 2 weeks.

Jessica's POV

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