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Now that asad got to know about what had happened with alia i.e about her life story...he started planning to talk to alia as a new person and impress her......
At the other side alia was just thinking about ayan that why ayan lie in front of she was unknowingly in ""LOVE WITH AYAN""but the thing that stuck more in her mind is why did he{ayan}lied with her........
She was just thinking and thinking but she dint get any answer.........
Alia goes to office taking a basket full of questions in her mind....
Goes to ayan cabin and knock the door...~~~~
Aayan thinking about alia in a mood of depression with a low voice tells
'Come in'
Then there comes alia inside the cabin of ayan..
Seeing this that alia has come.... ayan feels happy and stand up from his chair....and was about to talk to alia......~~~******
As soon as alia enters the cabin she handover a letter to ayan which is the resignation letter of alia....
Ayan just see the letter and was about to ask why....
Then alia replies....................................
'Thank you sir for giving me this job but sorry to tell i don't want to do this job as m not interested to do...'
Ayan:but wh...yyy......?????
Alia:thank u sir..have a good day...pleasure of meeting you sir..!!!!
Giving a smile alia leaves.....
Ayan hits the table and was very helpless when alia was leaving him.....!!!!!!!
Alia was angry on ayan that he lied to her..that's the reason she left the job but unknowingly she started loving ayan.....because of which that thing which ayan lied with alia was stucking her and irritating her...!!!!!!
After all this happen alia parents her sis zeba and sana was felling very bad for her and they wanted to tell alia the truth but doctor told them not to tell thll her the truth at that time.....
So then after few days...!!!!!!
Alia gets a job offer from asad which she have an interview after 2 days...!!!!!
Then she approach her dad to ask permission to go for an interview....
He tells that he would tell her till evening...........~~~~~**********!!!!!!!!!!!
Then he{alia dad}calls ayan and tells what's happening!!!and ask his opinion..!!!!!!
Though ayan is in stress mood he just tell alia dad that
"DAD LET HER DO WHAT SHE WANTS....I JUST WANT HER TO BE HAPPY"saying this he puts the phone and alia dad permit her to go to asad office for the interview which is after 2 days...!!!!!
Days pass by...alia just think about ayan***
But then she was bitterly hurt to which he lied.....
2days pass......
Next day interview...!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!
Alia goes to the interview and theres himself asad to interview alia....
As soon as she come he calls alia to get in and he checks her profile though he already know....and ask some questions regarding the job...and then he appoints her as his ''Personal assistant'' in his office...and tells that she is gona handle all the appointments of asad now......
And tells her to join the office from tomorrow...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.stay tuned guys...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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