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That voice is non other than sana.....alias which alia is very close to....
Then alia pushes ayan and just goes away from that a smile...
Then they go to there home and take rest...
As the marriage is been fixed after 1 month alia cousin sana stays with her so as to enjoy with her...
Then as days passed by alia and ayan speak to each other in the phone......
And alia enjoying her life with her lill sis zeba and sana...who is accompanied with alia in  home...
Then one day to Just have fun and to  know about ayan...when alia is not in her room sana and zeba....takes her phone and message ayan that she want to meet she(alia) wants to meet her...
Messaging this sana and zeba delete the messages as she doesn't want alia to read the msg..
Then ayan seeing this msg feels very happy and agree to meet her in a coffee shop near by...
Then sana wanted to know how ayan was because alia is gona marry sana is very particular about alia so sana wanted to know about him that how he is and what is he,is he good in nature and all....
Then ayan reaches and sits at  the table with an exitment............
Sana has seen ayan but ayan has not seen sana...
As sana will be approaching ayan feels that its alia who is coming..but its sana..
"Perhaps sana and alia are quite similar in there appearance...."
So ayan though that its alia because she was so far to see the difference with in them...
As she was approaching to ayan and introduce her self that she was sana....
A man comes and puts a revolver on sanas head telling to give all the money which she have...but sana denies to give the money..
Seeing this ayan....
Ayan:hay just stay away from her....
I will give u the money what u want to ok....
And then the man's partner puts the revolver to the other persons who where sitting in the coffee shop..
Then some one in the shop inform to the police that there has been 2 thieves who was threatening them in the coffee shop then as soon as police got the info...
They soon rushed to the address which is been given to them by the person who called them..........
Then soon the police arrives the thieves caught  sana...and had left from the place...
Then ayan tries to stop them  but he was unsuccessful to do soo...
Probably he{Ayan} calls alia mom telling that alia is been taken by the thieves....
Then alia mom denies that alia is at home..
Then ayan..
Ayan:no mom alia has come here to meet me...
Then alia grabs the phone and speaks
Alia:ayan this is alia...i am here...what happened..???please tell me.....m very tensed.......................
Ayan:ur there...then who is the person who msgd me through ur phone that u want me to meet u???????????
Alia:i dnt msg u!!!!
Then zeba .......hearing all this she tells that it was sana and zeba who msgd him to come and sana wanted to meet ayan so as to know about ayan.... then listening this alia is shocked.....
And all this ayan get to know through alias mom....
Then ayan rushes to police to inform that sana is missing...
Then alia fixed her mind to reach the police station and talk to police..!!!!!
She then tells to her mom that she is going to police station to know about sana if any information is given.....and then she leaves...........
she{alia} hurriedly rushes to police station......when she was crossing the road in a hurry..she was sooo in a hurryy that she dint even see that there was a car which was coming opposite to her.......and she{alia}meets with an accident......and she just rolls out from the car..and was just bleeding like hell........
And no one knows that she met with an accident and alias dad,ayan dad,ayan everyone are in police station not knowing that alia has meet with an accident.....!!!!!!!!!!!what's gona happen next........??????????????????????????

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