Ch:1 Bad-ass Angel

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Copyright@ 2011 McKenna Willard

Any distribution of this story is strictly illegal without the writer's consent.

I was exhausted, that much was certain, I thought as I stepped into the cold shower.I hoped, prayed that the water would wash it all away; the sadness, anger, swirling emotions and actions that weighed me down.But of course it didn’t, the water hit me like a slap in the face, bitter and cruel.Unfortunately that only reminded me how I ended up like this.


Raven Kara Huston, what do you think you’re doing?”

I looked up from the white, plush, cushion I was sitting in, examining my nails, and tilted my gaze to see my old “nanny”, Mrs. Walsh glaring at me.She had her hand on her hip and her red tinted wings fluttered anxiously behind her.

I considered her for a moment before answering.She seemed slightly more plump than usual, since the baby she was carrying was due in only a few months.Her auburn hair seemed to stick to her face, as if she was sweating but that was downright odd since we can’t sweat.

“What do you thing I’m doing?”I answered sarcastically, while pushing my waist-length, black hair behind my ears.I stood up and stared at her defiantly.

“Wasting time as per usual,”Mrs.Walsh said with a sniff.“But there is something of great importance that I need to talk to you about, so come here.”She replied, motioning me over.

With a loud sigh I extended my huge, midnight black wings so they curled around me and pretty much soared over to where she stood a few feet away.

She stared at me with an awestruck expression on her face.Of course I knew why, my wings were kick-ass gorgeous in their own way.They’re black of course, almost as dark as night itself, and they felt like silk if you ran your fingertips through the feathers.When I flew, they could slide through whatever clothes I was wearing without making a hole.When my wings retracted, they would simply dissolve into my skin without leaving any signs that I actually had wings.

“I heard something my dear, and if it is true, the result would be horrific for you,”Mrs.Walsh whispered in my ear.

My expression froze quite suddenly, as I tensed for what I knew she would say.

“Have you or have you not been seeing,”pause , “His son.”Mrs. Walsh whispered, looking absolutely terrified that someone would hear us.

By now I could barely breathe, I was so shocked that anyone knew.We were so secretive with how and when we would meet that it was next to impossible for anyone to know.If a measly nanny knew, then I was definitely in some serious shit.

“Mrs. Walsh I- I can explain”, I stuttered for probably the first time in my life.

In turn, Mrs. Walsh’s face turned a horrific shade of red and her eyes practically bugged out of her face.One minute she was the scared shitless nanny and the next the extremely pissed of angel, reeking of anger .“You bitch!!”She snapped and in one fluid motion, slapped me hard across my face.My head cocked to the side from the impact of her hand.

“Do you know how-how many lives he took?He took my husband’s life!How could you turn your back on all the good that has surrounded you your whole life,” she sputtered.

With a barely contained fury, she turned and said one more thing at me, “Raven there will be hell to pay for this one.”Without a second glance at me, she flew off to tell everyone else.

I almost fell back in my plush cushion, completely and irrevocably deflated. “Oh Mrs. Walsh, if I had a dime every time someone said that to me.”

(end excerpt)

I shivered in the shower, not noticing how the cold the water had turned.If only I hadn’t been so arrogant and oh so stupid about the whole “situation” with me and Satan’s son, and yes I did just say Satan’s son.His name is Jagger Dominic, arrogant but deadly Jagger.Just thinking about him made my head spin, and the wound that was over my heart seemed to grow. I mentally slapped myself,  get it together. I had promised myself while I was down here that I wouldn’t think about him.I sure as hell wasn’t going to start now.

I finally twisted the knob that controlled the shower and shut off the water.I quickly and lithely slipped into a towel and stepped out of the shower and peered in the mirror.My skin seemed cleared of most of the bruises and scratches I had acquired after Mrs. Walsh had told everyone my little secret.I winced as I touched my face and recalled the memory.


They had blindfolded me and tied my wrist together as they shoved/pushed me over to what sounded like a huge field.One of the men shoved me quite roughly and i stumbled and fell to the ground.My cry of surprise was muffled by a huge ,dirty hand covering my mouth and hauling me to my feet.With that, he stripped off my blindfold.

My eyes quickly adjusted to the surrounding area.I wasn’t really wrong about the scenery, I was almost on the edge of heaven, and I mean literally.There was the edge only a few feet behind me.If you wanted to, you could jump off the edge and be sent hurtling thousands of feet down to Earth.But no one had ever gone down there after they were sent up here.

“What do you want”, I spat, trying to look intimidating .

Well it was kinda hard when there were 5 burly men with ugly ski masks ( I know, cliché, right?) and dark clothing surrounding me.They were unrecognizable and had the natural perfume of bad BO.

The man in front of me stepped forward and glared at me. “We heard what you did, and we’re going to take care of it.”

Faster than I thought was possible, he swung his arm and punched me smack dab on my jaw, making me jerk back and stumble to the ground again, With that, two other men grabbed me, each one holding one of my arms and pulled me up to face the leader.He in turn continued to whale on me, kneeing me in the gut and punching me until I saw stars.

“Wait, aren’t you going to let me defend myself?!I am just a girl, you crazy bastards!”I choked on my own blood as I yelled.Everything around me become foggy and blurred,  i could only hold on to my shred of sanity for a few more minutes.

Okay, I can do this, I thought.All I really had to do was find the strength to spread my wings so I could break the rope around my hands.With that thought in mind, I silently willed my wings to spread.Taking my captors by surprise, my wings suddenly shot out.The two men who held me, loosened their grip slightly on my arms.Which was pretty much all the room I needed.With a weak triumphant smile, I quickly flipped over them so I was behind the two men and I ran the few feet to freedom.The other people tried to grab me, but I was too fast and jumped, fully extending my glorious wings and hurtling myself over the edge.The wind blew my tattered hair away as I did a nosedive to whatever layed below.

{So please comment and/or vote!! Next chapter comin soon...}

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