Preference: Makeup [Bones]

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*blood trigger warning (accidental injury)* 

A/N: officially done with Kirk/Spock/Bones' makeup/breakup mini series thing! hope you guys liked this, it was fun to write :P I did get requests for chekov, so hopefully I'll be able to do his breakup/reaction/makeup thing soon. As well as his christmas special (so much Chekov to write)

Live long and may the odds be ever in your favor, 

Kirk gently pulled the bottle from Bones' grip, setting it on a high shelf across the room. 

"Hey, she's gonna come around, okay? She cares about you" Kirk said softly

Bones snorted, and buried his face in his arms.

"C'mon, you can't stay here all night" Kirk offered

"I'm sure (y/n) is back in our room, and I don't want her to see me like this" Bones muttered

"You can't stay here all night Bonesy" Kirk argued

"Fine" Bones grumped, slowly rising to his feet and wandering out the door

"Umm.... Bonesy, where are you going?" Kirk asked, trailing him. 

Bones made a vague noise and continued down the hallway. Kirk sighed in frustration, but followed him nonetheless. 

Without a word, Bones led Kirk to one of the rec rooms and punched the keycode in the door

"Bonesy, you know you're welcome in my room, you don't have to stay here-" 

"No offence Jim, but I want to be alone" Bones cut him off as the door beeped and the lock clicked free. 

The room was dark, eerie shadows cast over the furniture. The room was empty, save for one figure curled up on one of the couches, a small blanket thrown over their shoulders and facing away from the door. 

"Who's that?" Kirk whispered, 

"Well how the hell should I know?" Bones snapped in a low voice

"easy Bonesy. Imma go look" Kirk whispered again,

"Jim, don't-" but it was in vain, as he was already padding softly across the carpet. Bones trailed after him, rolling his eyes. 

When they were standing over said figure, Kirk carefully reached down and pulled the blanket away from their face. Though it was dark, they both could make out that it was you. Makeup smudged across your eyes and hands pulled up to your tear-stained cheeks, you were asleep with your face still furrowed in an expression of sorrow. 

Kirk made a noise of pity, then looked to Bones. His face was turned away, hand to his mouth and gently gasping breaths as he tried to keep from crying. 

"Look what I've done to her, Jim" Bones choked out. 

"I think she would say the same about you" Kirk offered. Bones sat gingerly on the edge of the cushion and ran a hand through your (h/c) hair. 

You made a soft sound in your sleep, but didn't wake. 

"Jim, I don't even know what to do" Bones said softly. 

"Which one of you usually wakes up first?" Kirk asked

"She does" Bones answered. 

"Then my advice; crash here, and hopefully she'll kinda have the same moment you had now" 

"I don't want her pity-" 

"Yeah but you need it. Otherwise she's just angry" Kirk cut him off. 

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