Preference: How you lay in bed/sleep

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Kirk: Face-to face, your hands linked together between you. Sometime's he'll keep one hand free so he can run it through your hair as you fall asleep. 

Khan: Spooning, you cradled next to his taller form. He'll link his arms around your waist, and kiss your head right as you're falling asleep. 

Sulu: He'll lay flat on his back, and you'll lay your head on his shoulder, toying with his dark hair every so often. 

Scotty: Both on your stomachs, arms slung softly across the other's hip. 

Spock: He'll wrap his arms around your waist, you tucking your head by his shoulder.

Bones: Back to back. It doesn't sound intimate, but when you wake up from a dream at o'dark thirty, there's nothing more comforting than knowing he's got your back. 

Chekov: You spoon him, since he's so little and cuddly. His honey blonde curls sometimes tickle when you're laying with him, but you think it's adorable.

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