Preference: Your Couple Candy

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Kirk: M&M's. They're sweet and bright, like him. One of your favorite pastimes is cuddling up on the couch with a movie and a big bowl of these little candies.

Khan: Mini Marshmallows. Given that he's been cryogenically frozen for a while, there's a lot of things he hasn't tried. You introduced him to marshmallows a while ago, and now he's addicted to them.

Sulu: Pocky sticks. Sulu will sometimes pretend they're fencing swords, until he's nibbled too much off to make a decent sword.

Scotty: Starbursts. Not only do you both like the taste, but Scotty always has to tinker with something, so he'll make you bracelets and things with the wrappers.

Spock: He has to be really careful eating candy, since he can get intoxicated by sugar, but you both have taken a liking to sugar-free caramels.

Bones: Lemon drops. They're kinda tart, but so is he. Not to mention it reminds both of you of home.

Chekov: You both love chocolate. Pavel likes the darker, european flavors better, but you're content with a hershey's bar.

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