A/N: I need your opinions pleaz :3

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Hallo fellow wattpadians! 

So I'm gonna be real, this book has been slow. Like, REALLY slow. I was doing better when this was new but I'm brain dead for star trek ideas. 

So I was thinking, would y'all be interested in a multi-fandom one shot book? It would include doctor who, avengers, hunger games (mebbe), sherlock, maybe some supernatural, and of course still keep star trek

To those of you who have requests, I still have them documented but I want to apologize for how dry for ideas my brain has been. 

and again, if you guys would be interested in this, vote for this chapter/ leave a note in the comments. If you want to see a specific fandom ask in the comments and if I know it I'll add it to the list.

Also, this book isn't "closed" or "finished" but I think I merely need a break from it, and will come back to it hopefully soon

thank you all for being the most amazing audience I've ever had the honor to show my work to, 


Captain Annora (spock_is_in_asgard)



I now have a DeviantArt!

(I can't remember if I put a note about this earlier, if I did sorry for the repeat)

anyway for those of you who haven't seen or heard about this, I now have a DeviantArt profile and will be putting up my first fan arts!

I have one up already, and it would be awesome if you guys went and checked it out

link is on my profile under the "you can also find me on" button or right here:


hmmm... I think that's all the announcements I had to make... oh well if I think of any more I'll make another author's note. 

Now signing off for real, 

Captain Annora (spock_is_in_asgard)

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