Preference: How you fight/argue

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Kirk-you both shout a lot. Hot tempers collide, and often result in drastic measures, but Kirk ususally realises within seconds of you storming out the door how much he needs you. 

Khan-He rarely raises his voice, but you can hear the fury behind his words. He tends to be sarcastic, but he's sweet when he apologizes. 

Sulu-he htends to use sharp sarcasim, but will bend to your will with an angry "FINE!" he then has the habit of sulking about until you two make up. 

Scotty-master of the silent treatment. When he's angry, he just stops talking. Which is the polar oppisite of his usual humorous, bouncy self. 

Spock-he struggles to understand subtle human hints, and often doesn't realize you're upset with him immediately. Though he often sounds cold when apologizing, he's trying to explain an emotional response with logic, and he always manages. 

Bones: Bones is a lot of bark and very little bite. He can get all worked up pretty fast, but you can find him sniffling in the bathroom minutes later. 

Chekov- the sweet little russian's got very little campacity to get angry, and he often dissovles into tears mid-fight. poor baby. 

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