37. Will You Go To Prom With Me?

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Harry’s POV

6 months have passed now and everything is perfect.

Well, almost everything…

Taylor and I’s relationship was as perfect as ever. Louis and Zayn had come out as well, and even though Louis thought his parents would shun him, his family was very supportive of his sexuality. Zayn, Louis, Taylor, and I even went on double dates sometimes.

The student body bullied both Louis AND Zayn when they first came out. It got so bad that on some days, they didn’t show up for school. But one day, Zayn’s friend, Liam, took a stand and said if anyone thought about saying one more nasty word to either of them that he would punch their faces in.

I wished I could’ve said the same thing, but I knew I couldn’t. I couldn’t result to my old lifestyle, especially with Taylor around.

After Liam said that, no one threatened the two of them again.

It’s April now, and graduation is approaching quickly.

I’m scared, but not as much as Taylor. After this summer, we’ll be going our separate ways.

But not before senior prom. And today was the day that I was going to ask Taylor to be my date. I knew she would say yes, but I wanted to ask her in a very special way. I didn’t want to be that boyfriend who just assumed that his girlfriend would go to prom with him even without asking.

“My mom and Mrs. Smith have officially set everything up.” Louis said, slamming his locker shut.

“Thanks man. I owe everything to your mom.” I replied.

“No you don’t. You’re like her own child. You owe her nothing.” Louis said, as we started to walk to the cafeteria to find Zayn and Taylor.

Zayn had already asked Louis to prom, so Louis had nothing to worry about, but we hadn’t told Taylor that we were actually going off school grounds for lunch today.

I spotted Taylor across the cafeteria talking to Zayn. Today, she was wearing high-waisted shorts and an old looking Bon Jovi shirt that was about 2 times too big. It was a cute look for her though.

When she saw me, she and Zayn walked over towards us.

She softly kissed my lips when she reached us.

“Cafeteria food today is barbeque sandwich. Looks like I won’t be eating today.” She said, holding her books close to her chest.

“You don’t have to worry about bad cafeteria food today because we’re going off campus.” I replied, smiling.

“But my car’s in the shop. How are we going anywhere?” she asked.

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