14. Real

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Taylor’s POV

After fixing Harry’s eye up, we went downstairs and into the living room to watch some tv. Harry called his friend Louis, who he had planned on meeting up with before Niall had hurt him, and told him that he didn’t feel well so he was going to stay at my house and lie down for a while.

I turned on the tv while he was on the phone and turned on one of the many movies I had recorded on our DVR.

When Harry joined me on the couch, I spoke. “I hope you don’t mind Dear John. It’s one of my favorite movies.”

“I’ve actually never seen it.” He said, moving close to me and putting my arm around me.

I fit my body into his and rest my head onto his chest as the movie started.

“It’s insanely good. But it’s a romantic, girly film… I hope that’s okay.” I replied.

Harry laughed. “It’s fine. As long as I get to spend more time with you.”

I smiled up at him, and he pulled me closer.

As we watched the movie that I could basically quote every line too, I found myself falling asleep. Today had been a long day, but I hoped that I could keep myself awake through the movie.

“Taylor, do you want me to go home…? You need some rest.” Harry said, running his fingers through my hair.

“No, Harry. It’s okay. I’m really trying to stay awake.” I replied, looking up to him.

Harry giggled, then kissed my forehead.

For an inexperienced boy, he sure knew how to make my stomach fill with butterflies.

I looked to the tv screen and watched as John and Savannah were sitting at Savannah’s beach house. John was about to leave and he got up, tripping over the fire.

“He’s a clumsy little dude.” Harry commented.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yeah, but he’s an ATTRACTIVE clumsy little dude.” I replied.

“I’m not like that, so I’m not going to comment.” Harry said, running his fingers through my hair again.

I laughed again.

“Your laugh is adorable.” Harry said, his eyes still glued to the tv.

“Thanks. I’ve always hated it though, honestly.” I replied.

“Don’t. It’s one of the many things I like about you, Swift.”

I looked up to him and smiled, my stomach doing flips when he called me ‘Swift.’

Swift and Styles had sort of become our pet names for each other, and I loved it.

With that, he pressed his lips to mine once more and he instantly stuck his tongue to my lips, begging for entrance. I quickly granted and once again our tongues were battling each other. Niall and I had been this passionate with each other before, but it had never felt like this. With Harry, it was as if nothing else in the world mattered. He made me feel special, and I knew that our passionate kiss wouldn’t escalate into Harry hitting me until I bruised, or pushing me around so hard it left a mark. With Harry, it was real.

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