8. Comfort

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Taylor’s POV

“I can’t believe you brought him here.” Niall spat out, not even bothering to make eye contact.

“He’s my friend and he was trying to be supportive! I don’t know why that’s so wrong…” I replied.

He still wanted nothing to do with me.

“It’s wrong because you have a boyfriend. You don’t just get to hang out with other men.” He replied.

“OH, I forgot. I’m not allowed to hang out with boys when I have a boyfriend. That’s bullshit, Niall, and you know that.”

Suddenly, his hand met my face. It wasn’t as hard as his hits normally were, considering his injury, but it was still enough force to sting a little.

“When you made me your boyfriend, I gained control of you, Taylor, and if I say you can’t hang out with other boys, then you can’t hang out with other boys.” He said. He clenched his teeth together towards the end.

“I don’t even know why I bothered coming here.” I said, standing up and walking towards the doorway. “Even after something as awful as this, you’re still the jerk I know. I’m tired of it Niall.”

He didn’t say anything as I found myself walking out the door. I walked around in the hallways until I realized I had no idea where I was going. I asked a nurse, and she helped me reach the waiting room.

When I got there, I saw Harry sitting in a corner, eating a meal. When he saw me, he smiled and I made my way towards him.

The smile on his face soon turned to a more concerned look as I got closer.

“Taylor, are you okay…?” he asked, standing up and placing his food in his seat.

I hadn’t noticed until now, but there were tears forming in my eyes.

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