18. Intruder 2.0

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Harry’s POV

The next morning, well… more like afternoon, I was awakened by my phone going off. I rolled over to my phone that was sitting on  my bedside table and unlocked it. There was  text message from Taylor:

My parents and brother left me alone today. Wanna come over and hang out?”

I smiled at the message and quickly replied:

Yeah! I’ll see if Louis can drop me off.”

I got out of bed and walked into the living room with my phone. I figured Louis’ parents and sisters were out when I saw Louis sitting on the couch watching some crappy quality MTV show.

“Morning, sunshine.” He said when he saw me. “It’s 3 in the afternoon. Why are you just now waking up…?”

I could feel my face getting red as I thought about the reason. After a wonderful night at the park, we had taken Taylor home and after Louis was asleep I had taken his laptop into my room and Taylor and I had Skyped until almost 6 a.m.

“Wait, let me guess… You stayed up all night texting her, didn’t you?” Louis said.

I smiled.

“Something like that.” Louis laughed.

“Speaking of ‘her’, can you drive me to her house…? She wants to hang out.” I asked.

Louis sighed, but got up off of the couch. “Let’s go, lover boy.”

When we arrived at Taylor’s house, I jumped out of Louis’ car and walked to the front door. Louis waited in the driveway until Taylor answered the door.

“Hey!” Taylor said, pulling me in for a hug.

When she let me go, I waved to Louis, signaling he could leave.

We went inside, instantly to the living room.

“My mom rented a few movies the other night if you want to watch them.” Taylor said, grabbing a few Redbox DVD’s off of the counter.

“What movies are they?” I asked as she joined me on the couch.

“The Hunger Games and The Lucky One.” She replied.

I hadn’t seen either, and I really had no desire to see them.

“Um, Hunger Games sounds good.” I said, trying to hide how much I really didn’t want to watch a movie.

Taylor got up and placed the DVD into the player, grabbed the remotes, then joined me on the couch, nestling into my arms.

I couldn’t help but think about what this made us. We acted like couple. We held hands, we kissed, we cuddled. But I didn’t know if we were a couple or not.

I grabbed the DVD player remote out of her hand, pausing the TV.

“Taylor… Can we talk?” I asked, sort of nervous to even ask.

“Of course, Styles. What is it?” she replied, not moving from her position. Her head was on my shoulder and her hands were on my chest.

“Are we…?” Suddenly, the phone rang and Taylor shot up, running into the kitchen to grab it.

I could tell by the way she was talking and the things she was saying that it was her mom.

“Yeah, mom, I promise everything’s okay.” She said into the receiver, looking at me and rolling her eyes. “Harry’s a good guy, you can trust us.”

I smiled at her words, happy that her mom could trust the two of us alone. I knew it was hard for parents to trust teenage guys around their daughters.

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