Life Changes In An Instant (12)

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Rae 'Rae x


Hailey's POV

Well i've been at home for 4 weeks now and so has Anna and let me tell you how it's going. I apologised to my mum but she still didn't believe that i changed and she freaked out on me, literally she shouted at me about how i showed her no respect the past 2 months and how i can't just change back over night, so if she's not going to believe i've changed, then whatever, i tried to convince her but nothing get's through to her, nothing at all! So, i've only changed for other people. Speaking of which, me & Isakai still aren't talking, he's hardly home anyway, me & Anna are closer than ever and me & Jairo are... well i don't know.

The thing about me and Jairo is that, yes i'm still his pretend girlfriend and we've become really close, like literally, we are like best friends now but everytime i get close to him my heart stops, it's the way he moves his hair out of his blue eyes or the way he laughs, it just, i don't even know!

I put my head in my hands, i need to tell someone i can't just keep everything bottled up like this, but there's no one to tell considering everyone thinks we're together anyways and i'm definitaley not telling Jairo, that's just not going to happen.

I walked into my bathroom and looked at the razor blade, can you believe after 2 suicide attempts, my mum stil didn't take the blade out? it's like she's encouraging me!

I picked up the razor blade,

"Hailey, don't even think about it!"

I turned around to find Jairo looking at me with sad eyes,

"This is what keeps me sane Jairo, i have no one else!"

"You have Anna, you have your mum, you have me"

"Anna wouldn't understand, my mum pratically hates me and i can't confide in you about this problem!"

"Because you won't tell me!"

I looked at him with watery eyes "Just tell me" His eyes pleaded me to tell him everything, can i?

He walked over to me and took the razor blade out of my hand "Tell me"

"I can't" I looked down at the floor and he sighed,

"Why not Hailey?" 

"Because i just, i can't tell you what it is without something bad happening after"

"But you don't know what's going to happen!"

"I do! Me and you won't be the same, that's what's going to happen!"

He looked at me confused "What?"

"We won't be the same" I put my head in my hands,

"I don't understand you, what could you possibly say to me that will change our friendship?"

"The fact that i'm starting to have feelings for you" 

He looked at me with an expression i couldn't really make out "Come again?"

"You see?! We had such a great friendship, something so nice and this is going to ruin it, this is why i didn't open up to anyone before, i don't let people into my life Jairo or my heart, because eventually, it will get broken"

I fell to the floor and he came down with me "If you don't let people in, how are you going to know who's good or bad? You'll never know Aria" 

"Aria? Where did you get that from?"

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