facts about me!!

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yes hello i'm updating again but because i was happy that i got 200 votes!

i'm sorry if you thought this was an actual update!

but i want to thank you for the 200 votes and the 8k reads on this story!!

i honestly never thought that many people would be interested in this book, but i'm extremely happy that you enjoy these one shots!

i would totally write a total story but i can't ever find the dedication to writing chapters every week and then i would feel bad about not updating... yeah, that whole problem.

but, i'll start telling you guys some facts about me!

my name is sophie!

i'm 14, turning 15 in a couple months, and i'm a freshman (9th grade)!

i live in america, but i really want to visit japan and such.

i first started watching anime in 2013 (intensely, i've been watching ghibli movies since i was 4), and my very first anime was soul eater!

i honestly can't tell if i'm an athletic person or not because i ski/snowboard, and horseback ride and run, but eh?

but if you can't tell i am a band nerd. hah. but, i play the flute, and i want to learn another instrument. next year for marching band i might do drumline (if my band director lets me), and i'm pumped.

i feel like i'm one of those really laid back kind of people but at the same time i'm low key very intense.

i like to talk to people but i'm extremely awkward which makes me seem almost shy and i might ramble to keep a conversation going.


fairy tail was my favorite anime for the longest time, and i still love it. however, i gave up on the anime and resorted to just reading the manga.

i accidentally start too many anime at once. whoops.

i am half-chinese! i don't know very much chinese, but i'm taking it in school so i know a little bit of mandarin. (你好!)

fun fact! i have absolutely atrocious eyesight, and it's getting worse! nice!

i love the little face thingys ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

if there's any questions about me, i'm willing to answer them (depending on the question)!

i'm sorry i'm taking up your time with these authors notes i was just excited and yeah sorry!

but thank you for reading and favoriting!


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