[attack on titan] armin arlet

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Okay, I'm sorry lol. I know this wasn't a part of my requests, but my friend and I were texting, and she gave me this great idea (u know who u are u egg and ur a good writer) So, enjoy!


Sitting in your boyfriend's and your own shared office, you simply read and sip on your tea, a gift from Levi. You must be thinking, 'Levi? Giving a gift?' You bet.

You were on his squad, and after the titans were defeated, the survey corps didn't disband, but now they go outside of the walls to explore more land.

Hearing the door open, you look hopefully to see Armin, sighing lightly in disappointment, seeing Hanji and Eren at the door.

"What do you guys need?" You ask the brunette pair, putting a bookmark in your book, and setting it on your desk.

Hanji grins sheepishly upon entering the room, "W-well _____, you see, it seems that we've..." She looks around nervously.

"Upset Levi...," Eren finishes for the bespectacled woman. Glaring at both of them, you only shake your head, "What did you two do this time?"

"Oh, nothing much. We just kinda... T-took his favorite tea set and tea...," you deadpanned. Throwing your arms up, you groan in exasperation.

"You're grown ass people, why the hell are you stealing Levi's stuff?" You just shake your head.

"Actually, it was just Hanji," Eren confesses. "Ereeennnn. We were supposed to take the blame together! Remember?!" She takes the taller brunette by the shoulders and shakes him.

"H-Hanji! Stop s-shaking meeee!" The titan-shifter cries.

"Get out of my office if you're going to argue!" You cry out, seeing how many people are currently arguing in your space.

The door opens once again, to reveal a blonde.

You and the other two turn your head to see who, and you immediately felt relieved. "Armin!" You grin, running towards him.

Throwing your arms around his neck, your (E/C) eyes and his own blue look at each other before turning to the nervous brunettes.

"What did they do this time?" Armin mumbles softly. "Stole Levi's tea," you reply, sighing.

Rolling his eyes, he only proceeds to tell them what to do, causing Hanji to skip out of the room, shouting 'thank you!' and dragging poor Eren along.

"Ah, let's go outside!" You grin at him, "We have time to just relax! Plus, I haven't been able to see you lately," you pout.

He looks down at you, smiling softly, before tucking a piece of your (H/C) hair behind your ear. "Okay."

Finally getting outside and settling by your favorite tree, you instruct Armin to turn so his back wasn't agains the tree.

"I wanna do stuff with your hair!" You proclaim, pulling the ponytail that was currently holding his hair up.

Through the years, his hair had gotten much longer, so you could easily braid his hair.

You rake your hands through his hair, basically brushing it, causing him to sigh contently.

Skillfully crossing piece by piece over, you manage to make a perfect french braid in his hair.

"All done!" You beam, walking around him to sit down in his lap. Looking up at him slightly, you say, "You know, braids really suit you."

He smiles down at you before murmuring a soft, "Thank you, I love you."

♪───Extended Ending────♪

"Next time, I want to put pigtails in your hair."

"Don't you dare."


I thought this was pretty cute. But, I apologize greatly for not updating, and for this not being on my request list.

I actually just kinda remembered this but, story time!!

So, I'm in the marching band at my school (flutes ftw!!) because if you want to take band, marching band is required.

So, when we perform, we have to have our hair french braided because it's much easier to stick under our shakos ("marching band hats" as someone in my section accidentally called it).

A senior in our band who plays the sax has long hair that he puts in a ponytail everyday, so he decides to get his hair french braided.

I don't know, this kinda reminded me of that.

But, I hope you enjoyed!


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