[free!] kisumi shigino

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Thanks Bailee. You really made this hard.

I'm probably writing another Hetalia one next, but I don't want a bunch of Hetalia ones in a row, so I'm writing this first.

Anyways, this was requested by Baileewhaley !

Hope you enjoy!


Hearing a soft knock was enough to wake you up. Quickly brushing your hair, you run down the stairs, and head towards the door.

Opening it, you see your best friend and crush, Kisumi. "Yo, _____!" He greets, smiling. "Oh, I'm sorry," he begins sheepishly, "it seems I awoke you from your slumber," he teases.

You frown, before replying with a soft sigh, "It's fine, I'm going to get ready. Come inside," you move aside so the pink haired teen could get inside.

Walking back upstairs, you put your (Color) bikini on, and put a shirt and running shorts on over it. Putting your hair in a ponytail (side if you want), you walk back down, grabbing a towel along the way.

"Let's go, Kisu-kun," you say walking past the figure on the couch. Grabbing your bag and putting your flip flops on, you open the door and wait for the boy to run past you.

Kisumi finally comes outside, and leads you towards the beach, where your friends are already at. Smiling at Kisumi and his babbling, you finally reach the beach, where Haru, Makoto, and a bunch of others were.

"Kisu-kun, we're there." He stops, before brighting up and running towards the group. Grinning, you walk up to a chair and take your shorts and shirt off, revealing your bikini once again.

Smiling, you shout, "Let's swim!" before taking off into the water. Soon, there were clothes everywhere, as people began to join Haru and you in the ocean.


After swimming for awhile, you and a couple others come out of the water to get something to eat. Gou was at the spot rummaging through the cooler someone had brought, before gasping and grinning.

She finally pulled out some sliced watermelon. "Ah, Gou-chan, I want a piece!" Nagisa yells, for her only to reply with, "It's Kou, not Gou!"

Grabbing a piece, you walk over and sit next to Kisumi. "Ne, _____-chan, how is the watermelon?" Grinning, you say, "It's really sweet!" and you take another bite.

"Oh, _____-chan, you have some juice on your cheek, let me get it for you!" Cue Kisumi licking your cheek. "A-ah! Kisu-kun!" He then licks his lips thoughtfully before smiling, "You're right, _____-chan, it is sweet! I think I want some more!" He states before kissing your lips.

Cheeks burning, you turn your head away after him kissing you, and stand up. Feeling in the mood for revenge, you wink, smirk, and mumble, "I wonder how the strawberries taste."




Lol, I should be studying for exams right now, but I finally finished this.

Hope you enjoyed!


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