Chapter 9

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Luke pulled the car up and parked it in a place surrounded by a forest. He took my hand in one, and a basket in his other hand leading me through the trees. We came to a cliff edge that overlooked the city, all the lights lit up the dusk sky and he lay a mat on the dusty floor. We sat next to each other almost dangling over the edge. It was so beautiful and romantic, I didn't want to leave here. He brought that basket in between is and started to unload some snacks.

"I hope you like donuts and chocolate milk." He was such a sweetheart, if you asked me two days ago if Luke would ever do something like this, I would've said no. But he was perfectly capable and this evening was going by flawlessly like we'd known each other for years. The conversation was on full flow and Luke was the kind of guy that never stopped making me laugh or giving me compliments.

As I was eating my donut Luke shuffled closer to me. The sun began to set on the city and Luke rapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. His hand rested lightly on my hip and I could feel his glare on me.

I looked up at him. He moved the strands of hair out of my face and placed his hand on my cheek. There was a minute where we were both just looking into each others eyes admiring each others beauty. Then it happened. He leaned in, tilting his head to the side. Our lips touched sending a spark through my body. It felt so right. We moved in motion together and his hands worked their way up to my hair. It was so passionate and romantic and I didn't want our lips to unconnect.

Frustratingly, the date was interrupted by my ringtone coming from my bag. I'd forgotten to tell my mum that I wouldn't be home so she was yelling at me down the phone. Luke, already aware of what was happening, had packed up and took my hand to take me back to the car. I was dreading going home and wouldn't stop apologising to Luke for ruining the evening.

He dropped me off at school so that I could take my car home and we both drove individually back to Galewood street. I watched him as he went onto his drive and I went on to mine wishing that we weren't apart. I came into the house hearing my mum screaming in the distance. I walked into the kitchen and saw a slightly chubby, bold man sat on our breakfast stools looking petrified at my mums rage. When she'd noticed I had entered the room, she grabbed me violently by my lower arm and dragged me out the room and stormed upstairs pulling me along. She closed my bedroom door behind us and we went out onto my balcony because she wanted to have a chat. I was nervous for her harsh words that were about to spit off her tongue, I thought she was going to force me to tell her about Luke.

"Sweetie," mum said trying to calm her rage. "That man downstairs, he's done bad things and I didn't know he was going to show up here. Do you remember him?" I shook my head slightly in fear of what this man has done but mum shushed me before I could ask questions.
"Darling, it's your father. I don't know why he is here but he won't be for long." I felt rage come over me like it had on my mother. What did he want and what right did he think he had barging in on our life's after abusing my mother and leaving us for some other whore. Mum tried to comfort me by bringing me into a hug but the only person I wanted was Luke. I tried not to let my eyes tear up but I couldn't bare the fact that a man that I didn't want to call my father was intruding in our life's that had improved since we moved here.

I couldn't hold my anger back and before I knew it I had sped downstairs and started to scream at the top of my lungs.
"GET OUT. GET THE FUCK OUT." I pointed my finger in the direction of the door. He didn't budge. So I went behind him and pushed his heavy weight off the stool. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE HERE. I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU. MY MUM DOESN'T WANT TO SEE YOU. WE NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN AND THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE." He hobbled over to the door, mum watched proudly from the top of the stairs as I kicked him out the house and slamming the door on his face, locking it quickly so he couldn't re-enter.

I suddenly felt overwhelmed and embraced mum in a hug, it felt good to shout at the man that had made my mum be imprisoned in her own home for at least a year. Finally she was happy and ready to mingle again, so the last thing that I want is that distasteful man to come back into our lives.

Stay with me - Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now