Getting to know you.= RanaShahla

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Also know as – RanaShahla! : ]  




Let me get back to you on that one!  

How did you find out about Wattpad? 

I was looking through the app store on my mobile and just found it!   

What is your favourite subject, you like to write about? 

Umm I am not too sure; I'm not very keen on Vampire or Werewolf stories, I like some, a few are great! I am not a Twilight fan though. 

I don’t know why I started writing a Vampire book, I think I might have still been a little depressed about the last season of the Vampire diaries when it finished!  

What was the last book you read?  

Jump! By Jilly Cooper. Great book! 

Who are your favourite writers on Wattpad? 

Wow! There are so many amazing writers on here! 

Let me think,  

coolerthanme, Dark-Violet,  randomshenanigans, redzebra, thenerdyguys, XxSkater2Girl16xX, TheOrangutan, lilly-rain, ballerinasarahh, Prettylittlestorm and DistantDreamer 

Just to name a few!  

There are loads of others, sorry if I have forgotten you! 

Okay no that’s the boring stuff out of the way lets have some fun.  

Ooooh bring it on!  

If you could have a theme tune following you about what would it be?  

I can't decide between Bird is the Word or I Wanna Be Like You!

They are both really amazing to have a little boogie to! Fortunately for everyone else, theme tunes don’t play; I can’t dance to save my life!   

If you had three wishes what would you wish for? 

1.                  To be able to fly anywhere in the universe! Whenever I wanted to! 

2.                  Be able to turn invisible. AND MURDER JUSTIN BIEBER!  

3.                  That chickens could cross the road freely, without having their motives questioned! 

Have you ever worn sandals with socks?   

Oooo that's a painfully tragic fashion statement! I am proud to say, no I haven't! 

If you could choose to be attacked by a Great white shark or a Lion what would it be?  

Well, for the shark attack, you could just swim back onto the beach. 

For the lion attack, you could climb a tree, run away or something like that! 

I think I would go for the Lion option. I'm pretty sure they can't trees. I'll pay the price if I'm wrong!  

You get the opportunity to travel anywhere in time, where would you go? 

I would go to the year 3000, just to see if they really did live under water! 

Then feel like a hero when I come back and tell everyone to by a snorkel!

What is your favourite drink?  

I love the smell of elderflower and it tastes alright too. 

Or maybe something chocolaty! 

What is your favourite meal? 

It has got to be Red Snapper fish! It is amazing!

Have you ever stolen anything? I wont pass it onto the police don’t worry.  

Okay, I am going to be completely honest with you now! 

It was … A pencil from IKEA!  

I hang my head in shame! 

Have you ever worn other gender’s underwear?  

No, I can't say I have. 

What do you like to do in your spare time, other than writing?  

Well, I have two horses, so they take up a reasonable amount of time.  

School. x[     (Thank god it’s summer!) 

And, yes Facebook is (regrettably) a big part of my life! 

If you could travel to any planet in the system which would it be and why? 

Pluto, am I breaking the rules here? Because it isn't classed as a planet anymore?  

Well, that's the reason anyway! It probably feels left out now that it's no longer in the 'Planet Club'!  

And it has a moon bigger than it, so it might be feeling a bit sad. I would like to go cheer it up! : ) 

Would you climb the highest mountain or dive to the deepest parts of the ocean?  

Would you be able to breathe on either of them?  

And can I not just be taken there, swimming and climbing takes effort!  

But, if I had to choose, it would be the mountain! You would be able to see loads!  

How did you come across my profile page?  

I honestly have no idea! I can't remember! 

Although, your very handsome zombie might have had something to do with it!  

What are you going to do after doing this interview?  

Fly to the moon on my magical unicorn! 

Who is your favourite superhero and why?  

Superman. Because he has that cool S, and that's the first letter of my name!  

What you working on right now? 

I should be working on the next chapters of both my stories.  

But, sadly I have only got half way through one of them.  

Where do you see you’re self in ten years time?  

Older. Well, so I'm assuming!  

Is there anything you would like to add?  

287 to 87565  

Let’s see what you get! 

Thanks for your time 

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