Getting to know you.= IceCrazyCrystal

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15; October is just taunting me. .


Female. . . Well, I think I am

How did you find out about Wattpad?

It's rather complicated. Very complicated. Super complicated. My friend told me.

What is your favourite subject, you like to write about?

Good ol' romance and. . . adventure.

What was the last book you read?

Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick

Who are your favourite writers on Wattpad?

TheOrangutan, chosen_one, kirsty1000. . and others I'm too lazy to type up, sorry peoples

Okay no that’s the boring stuff out of the way lets have some fun.

Aww, I thought the fun was the questions above --_--

If you could have a theme tune following you about what would it be?

Well, I would be REALLY annoyed if a theme tune kept following me around and around, I'd probably go crazy and smash up every radio I see. But if I must pick, you know that kids program; The Raccoons? Yeah, probably the theme song of it.

If you had three wishes what would you wish for?

1. A unicorn

2. My dad to be alive again

3. A flying car

Have you ever worn sandals with socks? 

What, is that a new trend? If it is, I'd be more than happy to. . . but no. It's like wearing a green shirt with orange pants.

If you could choose to be attacked by a Great white shark or a Lion what would it be?

Lions. Because that's be so much cooler. I mean, I think I've already seen like 10 episodes on Animal Planet or something about a person getting killed by a Great White shark, or some other shark. Lion killings? I don't see that much often. Could you imagine the publicity? TEENAGE GIRL MAULED BY A LION.

Although I don't think that's good. .

You get the opportunity to travel anywhere in time, where would you go?

To second grade, when the drunk person is about to get in the car. I would stomp my little body over there and yell: DON'T GET IN THE CAR OR YOU'LL KILL MY DAD, YOU IDIOT!

But I don't think drunk people listen to 2nd graders. .

What is your favourite drink?

The none other than Coca Cola

What is your favourite meal?

Lobster with. .  yeah just lobster.

Have you ever stolen anything? I wont pass it onto the police don’t worry.

I've stolen a clothes hanger from a store. . . I know I'm so badass. Also, I went into the boys' locker room during break time and stole all their clothes: it was for a good cause, sheesh

Have you ever worn other gender’s underwear?

--_-- You make is sound so awkward! Yeah, like, totally.

What do you like to do in your spare time, other than writing?

Don't really have spare time. Only the 6 sports I play or writing. But if I do have free time, I would hang out at the mall, go to my boyfriend, or just torment my siblings.

If you could travel to any planet in the system which would it be and why?

Neptune, because it looks so cool.

Would you climb the highest mountain or dive to the deepest parts of the ocean?

Mountain, duh. Because there might be lions there, rather than the Great White Shark or something.

How did you come across my profile page?

Blame TheOrangutan (Dammit, why do I always have to look at your name to know how to spell it?)

What are you going to do after doing this interview?

Drink Coke.

Who is your favourite superhero and why?

Superwoman, because it shows that woman can be SUPER.

What you working on right now?

Actions Speaks Louder Than Words and Fighting for Survival.

Where do you see you’re self in ten years time?

I'm going to age? Into the 20s? Well, probably in college, still. .

Is there anything you would like to add?

Not if there's more questions--wait, I just added something.

Thanks for your time

Sure thing.

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