Getting to know you. = Kakarot89

197 4 2

Name RJ

Age 22

Gender Chap

How did you find out about Wattpad?

I used to be on a site called booksie but they had a lot of problems and one of the older members said how he left and came to wattpad. I checked it out and liked it a lot more, so I joined. The rest is history.

What is your favourite subject, you like to write about?

I don’t really have one. I like writing all sorts of stories. I have an adventure story, a few horror stories, a military-esque story. I don’t believe subject nor should genre hold me down.

What was the last book you read?

I’m still reading Dracula. It’s interesting but I’m really lazy.

Who are your favourite writers on Wattpad?

I like TheCreepyHomeboys and their awesome collection Scribblings on the Asylum Walls (free advertising space)

Okay now that’s the boring stuff out of the way lets have some fun.

If you could have a theme tune following you about what would it be?

I don’t know. Can I interchange it? Would it be on all the time? There are some that would be awesome but then they would start to annoy me and I would have to find a way to rid myself of it.

If you had three wishes what would you wish for?

For my theme tune to go away, for money to pay all my bills and make a low budget movie, and to live in England.

Have you ever worn sandals with socks?  

Yes, when I was like five and not again since.

If you could choose to be attacked by a Great white shark or a Lion what would it be?

Why does it have to be either? Why not a dragon? Better yet, why not Trogdor? Yeah, I choose Trogdor for 8,000, Alex.

You get the opportunity to travel anywhere in time, where would you go?

In time or time and space? In time: probably the fifties and I would just live there. In time and space: Middle East somewhere in the BC era

What is your favourite drink?

Alcoholic: Vodka

Non-Alcoholic: Arnold Palmer

What is your favourite meal?

Ribs and sides (potato salad, mashed potatoes, corn, it doesn’t really matter)

Have you ever stolen anything? I wont pass it onto the police don’t worry.

Maybe music through a file sharing service but I don’t really consider that stealing.

Have you ever worn other gender’s underwear?

No, have you?

What do you like to do in your spare time, other than writing?

Play guitar, do Bible study, play older school video games (N64 and SNES), stop the aliens form taking of Russia. You know, the usual stuff.

If you could travel to any planet in the system which would it be and why?

Pluto, to redub it a planet and not a floating rock.

Would you climb the highest mountain or dive to the deepest parts of the ocean?

Let’s go find Atlantis! Screw you, Everest.

How did you come across my profile page?

I think I was talking with DanGil about something and saw your picture of Bub and thought you might like to work on a horror compilation.

What are you going to do after doing this interview?

Read a couple books (I’m reading like 3 at once) and then go to bed.

Who is your favourite superhero and why?

Spider-man, I’m not sure. I liked his show when I was a kid and always thought it was cool that he could climb on walls and shoot webbing (with the help of cartridges of course). He also had some awesome villains (Green Goblin, Hobgoblin, Carnage, Morbius, Hydro Man, Sand Man [then they merged into Mud Man], Chameleon, Punisher, Kraven, Scorpion, Rhino, not to mention Venom). Then the movie came out and I was so excited I was willing to punch children to get into the theatre. Then came Spider-man 2 and *shudders* Spider-man 3. I still like Spidey though despite his awful movies.

What you working on right now?

The E.V.I.L. Chronicles and maybe a second work for TheCreepyHomeboys

Where do you see you’re self in ten years time?

Making movies whilst signing copies of E.V.I.L.

Is there anything you would like to add?

Feel free to check out my work and feel free to contact me through PM or however you see fit.

Thanks for your time

Thank you for the interview

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