Getting to know you.= Emoemu

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Username: emoemu


Oh, god, I go by so many! Um, Hanna, Lyric, Storme, Emu, Otaku-chan and Leah. I respond to all of them, so you can call me what you like. 





How did you find out about Wattpad?

Through my friends, especially strawberrygurl98.  

What is your favourite subject, you like to write about?

 I'm partial to fanfiction, as you'll see from the posted rubbish on my profile, but I like various sorts of fiction. 

What was the last book you read?

Skinny Dip by Carl Hiaasen (I think). I was in stitches for I-have-no-idea-how-long. 

Who are your favourite writers on Wattpad?

Ack. Now it gets hard. In no particular order, KuroTsukiKun, BeansWithJelly, nerdsmiles, mangaluver1723, strawberrygurl98, captainstudley, wordman131, ClearBlueSky and all the rest of the people I've fanned. Yes, ALL. 

Okay no that’s the boring stuff out of the way lets have some fun.

...what sort of fun? I am thirteen, you know...

If you could have a theme tune following you about what would it be?

Oh, this sort. Right, then. Probably You're Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring. 

If you had three wishes what would you wish for?

More wishes. Either that, or more genies (*^-^*)

Have you ever worn sandals with socks?

Um, ew. No. That's just...odd. 

If you could choose to be attacked by a Great white shark or a Lion what would it be?

Could one of my three wishes be not to be attacked? 

You get the opportunity to travel anywhere in time, where would you go?

Oh, maybe twenty years into the future to see how everything turns out for me and all my friends. 

What is your favourite drink?

Ramune. It's this yummy Japanese soda thing. And it's also really hard to explain. 

What is your favourite meal?


Have you ever stolen anything? I wont pass it onto the police don’t worry.

No, actually. I've never felt the need to steal. 

Have you ever worn other gender’s underwear?

No, and I don't particularly plan on it. 

What do you like to do in your spare time, other than writing?

I draw (poorly), read manga, or listen to music my parents disapprove of. 

If you could travel to any planet in the system which would it be and why?

Pluto, though it's not really a planet anymore. Just cause. 

Would you climb the highest mountain or dive to the deepest parts of the ocean?

 Swim. Although the water pressure would squish me. Heights bother me. 

How did you come across my profile page?

 TheOrangutan posted a message to all fans that you'd interviewed him. After reading the interview (and laughing quite a bit), I decided to fan, and here I am. 

What are you going to do after doing this interview?

Take a summer class. Oy. I don't know what my parents are thinking. Keyboarding, seriously?

Who is your favourite superhero and why?

I like Batman, because he is, quite honestly, psychotic. I was raised on the JLA shite, but the real stuff is heartrending and makes your skin crawl at the same time. Also Iron Man, because he's such a smartarse. 

What you working on right now?

 My and KuroTsukiKun's joint FanFic, Because I Wasn't Insane Enough Already. 

Where do you see yourself in ten years time?

Ten that'll be...grad school. Oy. 

Is there anything you would like to add?

Not really, no. 

Thanks for your time

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