Getting to know you. = Weirdmuxicgirl

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Crystal Jane T. Tamayo (weirdmuxicgirl)


14 years old



How did you find out about Wattpad?

Can’t remember but I think I found out about it through another person.

What is your favourite subject, you like to write about?

Romance, Fantasy, Comedy

What was the last book you read?

What the She-wolf wants by OlympusPlayer

Who are your favourite writers on Wattpad?







I have a lot you so might get bored, Trust me...I have lots of favourite writers.

Okay no that’s the boring stuff out of the way lets have some fun.

If you could have a theme tune following you about what would it be?

Check on it by Beyonce or Cherish by Ai Otsuka

If you had three wishes what would you wish for?

For my relatives to get a better life

For life to be much easier or something and better life

I’ll keep the last wish... I don’t know what to wish for :D

Have you ever worn sandals with socks?  

Yup, I have. Lots of times.

If you could choose to be attacked by a Great white shark or a Lion what would it be?

Probably a Lion because they’re fluffy. :D ( I know it’s a weird reason)

You get the opportunity to travel anywhere in time, where would you go?

The future :D :D or just go back to the day I was born to prevent something from happening...  :D

What is your favourite drink?

Anything that tastes like cherry :D

What is your favourite meal?

Anything that’s chewy.( I’m seriously obsessed it’s not even funny)

Have you ever stolen anything? I wont pass it onto the police don’t worry.

Phone number...yea

I stole my friend’s keys, phone etc. (don’t worry i gave it back :D)

Have you ever worn other gender’s underwear?

Yup, I just like the design that’s was a muppets one (animal)

What do you like to do in your spare time, other than writing?

I don’t write that much but I draw, sing, dance, read a lot of stories, watch a horror movie, play the guitar, daydream and lots of things I can think of.

If you could travel to any planet in the system which would it be and why?

Neptune because I like the kinda cerulean color of the planet.

Would you climb the highest mountain or dive to the deepest parts of the ocean?

I would dive the deepest part of the ocean because 1. I love the ocean 2. You might find things that you didn’t know exist :P

How did you come across my profile page?

I just searched for Zombies and that’s how I came across your page (I was searching Zombies because I love them soooo much)

What are you going to do after doing this interview?

Sleep because its really late and my parents will kill me if they find out that I’m up at 2:00 in the morning.(Last time i stayed up until 10 something and then i nearly got grounded but i got away with it) :D

Who is your favourite superhero and why?

Captain Hero because he’s from drawntogether and he’s really weird :D :D

What you working on right now?

My first ever story that I’m writing but it probably won’t be finished yet.

Where do you see you’re self in ten years time?

Maybe still in school, ‘cause i just have to pick a career that takes too long to study  or maybe working for some company or designing.

Is there anything you would like to add?

Not really... :D

Thanks for your time

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