Chapter Nine:

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As we were eating our lasagna I couldn’t help but notice the glances Spencer kept making to me. I turned my head to Ryan. He was frustrated with his food, claiming its way to warm, he kept muttering under his breath. I’m guessing Nicole noticed what Spencer was doing, because I noticed that she was grimacing at me.

She mouthed, “Don’t!”

I looked at her confused, “I don’t like him!!” I mouthed back. She rolled her eyes and I just shook my head. My leg then vibrated.

Hey!! How’s the dinner going?” Patrick texted me. Earlier during the day I was texting the guys from Fall Out Boy. They told me that they were going to be in Vegas soon and that they couldn’t wait to see me, and they would hook me up with as many ticket as I wanted.

I quickly replied, ‘Pretty good…Nicole’s here though..’ I still couldn’t believe that Nicole was here… But whatever.. I have my lasagna, and I’m happy about that.

Are you serious?? That must suck!!’ Patrick replied.

“Who ‘ya texting?” Ryan asked as he tried to look over my shoulder. I slightly pushed him away as he kissed me on the cheek.

“Ryan, I’ll kill you,” Nicole replied. Ryan must have took that seriously because he kept his distance this time.

“Who is that?” he asked again.

Yeah it does! :/’ I replied to Patrick’s text. “My friend Patrick,” I told Ryan.

Nicole gasped, “When are they coming to Vegas??” Nicole asked. I could hear the anxious in her voice.

“They said soon. They haven’t given me an exact date yet,” I replied to her.

“Wait! Wait! Hold up!” Ryan said as he put his hand up for everyone to stop. “Who’s Patrick??”

“Patrick Stump,” I replied, calmly.

Patrick replied, ‘Oh well I’ll text you after the concert! Text you later!’ For some reason, Patrick and the guys enjoyed texting me before and after the concert. I don’t know why. But they just did.

Ryan looked at me with disbelief, “No! seriously! Who??” he asked.

“She’s serious!! We know Fall Out Boy!!” Nicole said.

“Who knows Fall Out Boy??” Brendon asked. He came in with a full plate of lasagna. He stuck his fork in and took a huge piece and stuffed it in his mouth.

“I do,” I replied.

Brendon’s face dropped a little, with all his chewed food still inside his mouth. “Nu ughh!!” he replied.

“Yeah huh!!” Nicole and I said in unison.

“Prove it!” Spencer replied. He was finally talking again.

“How?” I asked, crossing my arms. They didn’t believe me. But to tell you the truth, I wouldn’t even believe me. But what I was telling them was the truth!!

“Call him,” Spencer said as he took a sip from his coke.

“Can’t, they’re performing,” I told him. I wasn’t lying!!

“But you were just texting him???” Ryan asked, confused. I bet he was trying to sound like a smarty pants.

“So? They had to go. Look,” I told him as I held the phone up to his face.

His face dropped a little as he began to read it, I simply just began to grin. “This proves nothing..” Ryan replied. What he really meant to say, ‘I’m not saying I’m wrong…”

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