Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


I walked out of the school building still stunned after what just happened with Hannah in the janitor’s closet. How could she be so sure that Noah would go back to her? Why does she even want him back? She was the one who cheated, she ruined their relationship. I would understand if it was the other way around but it’s not.

I shook the thoughts away; all I really need to do right now is get back to my hotel room and do my homework. I heard that tomorrow we are having a Science test about the planets! I’m so excited, I have no idea what the jumpers a test is but it sounds so much fun!

I shivered when I felt the cold breeze hit me, man its cold here. Boy am I stupid, of course Earth would be different from Venus. I never knew that Earth would get so cold so early because Venus only gets cold on Christmas.

Ah Christmas, that was my favorite holiday! It wasn’t because of the presents even though that is a bonus. I love it because it’s the time where it’s just my family and all of the workers in the palace come together to celebrate.

There are no grand balls or parties; it’s just all of us as a huge family. Not to mention Daniel loves Christmas, I love how his eyes always light up when my mother mentions getting presents from Santa. That’s right we have Santa too! My parents always told me that Santa goes everywhere, he would never forget about us who live on Venus even though he lives on Earth.

I remember my first Christmas with Daniel, it was by far the best Christmas I’ve ever had. He was so happy and my parents were too which made me happy.

“MERRY CHRISTMAS!” I yelled jumping on my parent’s bed. They smiled at me before they got out of bed; my mother went straight to Daniel’s crib and took him in her arms.

Daniel was smiling and giggling, he was only a baby but you could tell he knew today was a magical day. Today was the day we see what Santa got for us. I smiled brightly before I ran out of their room and down the hall.

I bumped into Primaria and smiled “Merry Christmas Primaria!”

She smiled back at me “You too Princess. What do you think you got this year?”

I shrugged “I don’t know, maybe it was that new dress I asked for.”

Primaria chuckled “Well I hope you get it, Lexianna.”

I smiled before I ran off to grab my gift for Daniel. It was his first Christmas. I want it to be special for him.

He may be only one and won't remember much but when you get older you still have some little flashbacks of things that happened. I want this to be one of them.

I know when it was my first Christmas that I remember bits and pieces of receiving my first gift from my parents. It was a pink blanket that I used to carry around everywhere, I think I called it Pinky.

The point is, I love remembering my childhood even though I'm sixteen now it's still nice to go back and remember all the times you spent as a child. That's all I could ever want for Daniel.

I had gotten him something good, something that he could enjoy as a baby and a child. 

I got him a mini sports car!

Of course I knew my parents wouldn't let him drive it now, or also the fact that he's only one but when he's older he can totally drive it!

He could drive the palace guards mad! Yes that would be epic!

I raced into my room and grabbed the car. I smiled excited. This was going to be something Daniel would never forget.

A tear slipped out of my eye as I thought about how happy everyone was that day, especially my parents when they saw what I got for Daniel.

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