Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

~The next day, Lexi~

I jumped out of bed quickly slipping on my dark blue skinny jeans and wearing my black and white striped sweater with my black Uggo's.

I put my hair half up, half down and grabbed a bag I had in my suitcase. Lucky for me I brought a notebook and a pencil case with me. I put them in the bag and walked out of my hotel room.

I rushed out of the building and walked out. I started for the school.

Once I reached the school people were once again looking at me. I went inside the school and walked inside the office again. 

I was scared, what if people didn't like me?

The lady smiled up at me "Hello Lexi, came for your schedule?"

I mumbled "Sure." Truth was I only felt comfortable in here.

She handed me a piece of paper with my classes on it and said "Hold on a second, let me get someone to show you around for the day."

I nodded as I felt my hands shake, they turned Yellow again, I couldn't help it! I am nervous.

When the lady returned there was a girl standing with her.

The girl extended her hand towards me and smiled "I'm Gabriella Harris! It's nice to meet you!"

I smiled and shook her hand "I'm Lexianna but call me Lexi."

She nodded "I'm here the help show you your classes and show you around the school."

I nodded "Alright. Let's go!" 


I walked into school to once again hear people talking about that mystery girl from yesterday only this time they were say how she was a new student now.

I sighed and opened up my locker when someone out of nowhere came and shut it closed. 

I turned and rolled my eyes, Riley. What could she possibly want?

"Hey Noah!" She said flirty as she started rubbing her hand up my arm.

"Hi." I said simply, I thought we were done? Told you she'd be back.

She kissed my cheek and whispered "How about a round in the closet?"

I rolled my eyes "I thought we were done?"

She let out a giggle and said "Oh Noah! You know I was just kidding!"

I rolled my eyes "Either way no thanks."

She glared at me "Excuse me!" She snapped.

I rolled my eyes and once again opened my locker "Bye."

She scoffed and stormed off making me roll my eyes, god Riley was annoying.


Gabriella grabbed my arm as she pulled me around the school pointing people out as we walked. 

"That's Riley Haymonds, most popular girl in our school and biggest slut."

I nodded as I watched her storm down the hall looking pissed as ever. I felt my hands start to shake as I looked down at them, Pink looks like my curiosity is back.

As we walked someone caught my eye, I admired the person they were beautiful. 

"Who is that?" I pointed.

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