[53] dresses and pins

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"So now that they're gone, I can show you this!" Cadenza pulled out a beautiful lilac dress from behind a few of her other current projects.

It had frills as the entire bottom half of the dress, and the top was simple with a one-strapped top. (attached on the right)

"That's beautiful Cadenza!" I clap, and she smiles.

"It's for you, for prom." Cadenza grinned, and my eyes widened.

"I also ordered a bountonniere for you to give to Garroth, the one I sent you a photo of a few days ago asking if you thought Garroth would like it." She said, and suddenly the realisation hit me.

"OH! THAT ONE!" I jumped up in excitement.

"You didn't have to do all this for me, you know." I said, and Cadenza whacked my arm with a nearby hairbrush.

"Of course I did!" She smiled, and shoved the dress to me.

"Go try it on." She instructed, and I obliged.

I went into her makeshift "changing room", which was basically a expanded little cube from her room with a curtain blocking any view.

I changed into the dress and looked at myself in the mirror, and smiled.

Would Garroth like this?

"Don't be silly Aph, he loves you in anyway." I mutter to myself, and smile at the thought.

He loves me in anyway.

It was a comforting thought.

I turn around and draw back the curtain, to see Cadenza sitting in anticipation on the small sofa in front of the changing room.

"You look gorgeous!" She squealed, jumping up from her seat and walking around me in a circle to examine the fit.

"How does it fit?" She asked, and I smiled.

"Perfect." I say and she looks so pleased.

"Okay okay okay, now go change back, and we have to go collect the bountonniere from the shop. Laurance and Garroth should be back soon." Cadenza said, and I nodded.

"Anyway, hurry and go change back!" Cadenza pushed me back into the changing room and pulled the curtains, and I rolled my eyes.

I change back, looking back at my galaxy sweater and black shorts. I walk back out and Cadenza is zipping up a small bag, and she slings it over her shoulder.

"Come on, let's go."


"Hello Aerith!" Cadenza greeted the lady at the counter who had shiny brown hair and amber green eyes.

"Cadenza! Here to pick up the bountonierre I assume?" The woman asked, and Cadenza nodded.

"I don't have anyone to go with, but Aphmau here, that boutonierre is for her date." Cadenza nudged my arm playfully, and I rolled my eyes.

"Ooh! Okay, hold on just one second." The attendant said, and ran over to a wooden door and entered the room beyond it.

"That's Aerith, a good friend of mine. She runs this shop." Cadenza turned to me and smiled, and I smiled back. I took the time to look around the small shop, full of vintage items and antiques, with pretty flowers here and there for sale.

"Here." Aerith walked out with the most stunning bountonierree I've seen. It was a mixture of the shade of teal Garroth liked, and white. The teal rimmed the edges of each petal while the white blended nicely to create a beautiful sight.

"It's beautiful..." I mumbled, mt hands over my mouth.

"And it's for your date." Cadenza winked, and I playfully punched her arm as she laughed.

"It is!" She retorted, and I rolled my eyes. I was reaching into my pocket to take my wallet when Aerith spoke.

"Cadenza already paid so don't ask for the price because that won't be nescessary. Have a nice day you two!" Aerith closed the box holding the bountonierre and passed it to me, and I gingerly picked up the synthetic leather box that held the pin.

"Let's go grab something to eat, I'm starving." I say, hooking the bag that the held the bountonierre on one arm.

"Sure!" Cadenza sweeped her flaming orange hair to one side, and began to walk faster.

"There's a dessert shop just around the corner, c'mon." Cadenza said excitedly, walking even faster.

"Okay okay, calm down." I laughed and caught up with her, struggling to go at the same pace as her.

"No time to waste for dessert, Aphmau!" Cadenza said and I laughed.

I couldn't have a better friend.

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