[12] lectures

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"Your brother threw a WHAT at you?"

"A chair. A wooden chair." I mumbled, massaging my temples from her incessive shrieking.

"A chair. You broke your glasses, have a  terrible cut across your face, and you don't seem worried at all. You disappeared during break yesterday and came back all flustered and such, and now you're all calm about getting a chair thrown at your head. You could have gotten a serious head injury!" She lectured, and I looked at a blurry Dante, who looked just as tired of Aphmau's safety talk.

"Aphmau, the important thing is that he's fine. Are you getting new glasses?" Dante looked at me, and I shook my head.

"Father says they're too expensive." I say, and Aphmau looks like she's about to explode.

"You're telling me, that you live in a mansion, and your father, doesn't want to buy a pair of glasses for his son." Aphmau says, and continues rambling.

I sigh and continue eating, Aphmau talking and talking in the background.

Does this girl ever stop talking?

"Aphmau, it's fine. I may not be able to see, but-"

"But nothing! If your father won't get you knew glasses, then I flipping will!" She made exaggerated hand gestures, and I lazily scooped rice into my mouth.

"This Thursday, when we go to discuss the project. We'll discuss the project, then we'll go get you new glasses. I'll pay, since you got a chair thrown at your head. A chair! Of all things!" She shoved a cookie into her mouth agressively, her cheeks puffed up from the contents in her mouth. A small laugh came from my lips, but it sounded so unfamiliar.

"Did you just laugh?" She narrowed her eyes at me, and I sheepishly looked at her. My laugh sounded so...odd.

"You totally just laughed, oh my Irene!" Her mood went from frustrated to overjoyed in three seconds, and her shrill squeals were somewhat worse than her rambling. But I just couldn't tell her to be quiet, I just couldn't.

"I'm a day old in this little loser group, as Laurance likes to call it. Well, he likes to call it that because of Garroth, no offence," Dante paused, taking a sip of water, and placed it down and continued, "he never actually called 'the love of his life' a loser."

"What do you expect, Dante. It's Laurance 'Hunk' Meteli." I said, making sure that he and Aphmau both could hear the sarcasm overflowing in that sentence.

"Haha, true." Dante laughed, and continued eating. Aphmau leaned over towards my ear and I could feel her breath on my ear, and it sent chills down my spine.

"You sound strange when you laugh." She giggled into my ear, and I smiled.

"That wasn't even a laugh, more like a chuckle." Dante pointed out, and Aphmau leaned back up.

"It's still a laugh in my book." She grinned. I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

Aphmau took out her phone and turned it on, and gasped.

"I promised to meet Donna and Kiki outside Math class early! Gotta go, bye!" Aphmau said in a rush, taking her backpack and standing up from the bench. She waved to the two of us, and walked away. I continued to wathh her walk away, sighing.

"You love her, don't you?" Dante snapped me out of my thoughts, and I looked back at him.

"I don't believe in-"

"Don't you dare say it, Garroth. That's the main reason you get beat up. You refuse to believe that your falling for Aphmau because you told yourself that you don't believe in love, but you can't not believe in love. It's human nature." Dante put his cutlery down, and looked me straight in the eyes. Though it looked more like a mess of blue, due to the lack of glasses.

"Well, I just don't!" I say, and Dante sighs.

"Suit yourself, stubborn thing." He muttered, and I rolled my eyes.

Was he right?

Was I defying my belief?...

Or denial, of love?


"I think you'd look nice with purple glasses. NO WAIT, we should get you navy blue-ish glasses, like your eyes. YES PERFECT!" Aphmau squealed beside me, and I smiled; rolling my eyes.

Mr Burt soon walked into the classroom, and we greeted him.

He saw me and his eyes widened. He put down his things at the teacher's desk and walked over to Aphmau and I.

"Garroth, where are your-"

"Garroth's brother was fighting with his father and his brother ended up hurling a wooden chair at him." Aphmau said, and Mr Burt looked appalled.

"What happened to your-"

"The cut on his face was from a piece of the lens from his glasses that broke. I'm taking him to get new glasses on Thursday when we discuss our project further." Aphmau explained, and I felt eternally grateful this extrovert beside me was helping me.

"Are you-"

"Yeah, he's been through so much. It's least I could do." She grinned, and Mr Burt nodded.

"Alright. Interesting. Aphmau, let Garroth copy you if he can't see the board." Mr Burt told her, and she nodded. He walked away and she looked at me.

"I still can't believe you laughed, on the day right after you nearly get a concussion." Aphmau breathes, and I smile.

"I'm positive." I mumble, and she laughs.

"Yeah right." She punches me playfully in the arm. She looks at me suddenly, and I gaze deep into her hazel eyes.

"We're getting you blue glasses." She suddenly says, and I laugh.

"You sound so relaxed when you laugh, I like it." She beams, and I roll my eyes, a permenant smile across my face.

This girl...

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