[13] outing • pt. 1

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"Dante, I can't do this. She gonna come, see me in this, and go: 'Garroth oh my Irene you look great!' and then she's gonna hug me, and then, and then, and t-t-then-"

"Totally have a crush on her." Dante said nonchalantly, continuing on reading his book. I stopped my pacing and stomped my foot on the ground, glaring down a blurry Dante.

"I told you, I don't-"

"Sure, continue this and you'll just go insane." He smirked, his eyes skimming over the words on the thin pages of his book.

"I-I...Ugh." I was nervously sweating, especially my palms. First lesson is English, and I'm in Cadenza's gift clothes, and I was going to Phoenix Eats with Aphmau today; after school.

Irene help me.

"Here your lover comes." Dante smiled encouragingly at me, and I rolled my eyes, though my heart remained racing with anxiety.

"Garroth! You look amazing in the clothes Cadenza made you! Oh my Irene!" Aphmau ran up to me and engulfed me in a hug, and I awkwardly wrapped my hands around her as well. Dante gave me a thumbs up and I felt the heat rush to my cheeks, the reality of the position I was in hitting me.

She pulled away from the hug and I could see her sparkling, excited hazel eyes through the blur, and I felt myself smile.

"We'll get you contacts too, no arguing." She lifted her index finger and poked me in the chest, and I shoved my hands in my pockets and rolled my eyes.

"School doesn't start for another fifteen minutes, you wanna go outside? The sun is rising and it's really cooling since it rained last night." She beamed, and I looked past her shoulder at Dante. He nodded, and I followed his actions and nodded at Aphmau.

"Yay! Come on, follow me." she grabbed my wrist, pulling my hand out of my pocket. She started walking, and I had no choice but to follow behind her. Dante started chuckling and I glared at him, but I had no time to yell at him because Aphmau was rather strong and was pulling me away like I was some sort of toy wagon.

Then again, I am about the size of a pencil so...

"You are so light, Garroth. You need to eat more." She said, continuing walking towards the exit and out to the entrance courtyard. I rolled my eyes, as she pulled me aside to the fence that barricaded off the painful outside to the equally painful inside. She stepped up on the ledge and turned back at me.

The small ray of light lit up her entire face, her grin beaming with pure joy. I felt every muscle in both my arms twitching, my brain telling me to lean forward and grab her.

Do it, you know you want to.

Not now, don't do this to me now.

You want to do it Garroth, you're just in denial.

You sound exactly like Dante, now that I think about it.

You want to kiss her, Garroth. You know you really, really want to.

Just go away, please.

"Garroth?" Aphmau waved her hand in my face, shaking me out of my thoughts. The first thing I saw were her dazzling eyes, staring into mine with concern.

"You keep blanking out, are you alright? Did that chair do anything to your head; knock anything out of place?" She looked genuinely worried.

"N-No, I-I-I'm fine Aphmau. I'm just a bit tired, is all." I say, massaging my temples to attempt to rid of the sudden headache that came.

"Are you very sure? You seem faint." She climbed down from the ledge and placed her hand on my shoulder. The sun was higher in the sky and it was slightly brighter, and though I was without my glasses, she still looked amazing.

Her hand moved from my shoulder to my forehead, and after feeling it for awhile, she sighed a sigh of relief.

"Sorry, you've just been really off lately. I'm worried, you know?" She smiles weakly, and I smile back.

"We should, uh, head to class." I say, pushing a hand through my hair.

"Sure, good idea."


"Bye Dante!" Aphmau and I waved at the blue-haired boy going in the opposite direction as us.

"So, it's a fast food restaurant. Have you been there before?" She walked beside me, her purple backpack moving slightly with every step. I adjusted my backpack straps and shook my head.

"I've never tried fast food before." I say, and her expression remains the same. Which, honestly, I was not expecting.

"Oh, well then you're trying it today, so it can't be that bad." She smiled, and I smiled as well.

"I like you in this outfit. How come you always wear the same things?" She pulled at the sleeve of my checkered blue jacket, and I sighed.

"I only have three outfits. The black hoodie and black pants, the cross shirt and denim jeans, and that long black T-shirt and black pants you saw me in on the weekend." I say, and her eyes widen. She suddenly stops and looks at me.

"Three outfits?!" She says loudly, but not that loud.

"Yeah, then Cadenza made this, so it's four now." I shrug, and continue walking. He follows behind me, and soon goes beside me.

"Phoenix Eats, glasses, clothes. Okay?" She said, and I sighed.

"Aphmau, you don't have to-"

"Nope, not having it. I'm buying all, because I'm determined for you to have a sparkle in your eyes. Laurance doesn't have any either, but I think that's because he's a jerk." She shrugs, and I suddenly feel myself being thrown forward, but my right foot goes in front of me and I regain balance.

"What did I trip over?" I ask, unable to see, and Aphmau in a fit of giggles behind me.

"A ledge." She smiled, walking up beside me. I regain my balance and she continues giggling uncontrollably.

"Come on, hold my hand and I'll guide you, you blur boy." She laughed and without warning, grabbed my left hand firmly, and jolt of electricity sparked through my body, leaving a tingling feeling down my spine.

Her touch was warm and comforting, it felt safe.

Is Dante right?

Am I really falling for Aphmau?

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