[30] secrets • pt. 4

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To put your worries at ease, Laurance is perfectly chill with Garmau.


"I was just here to drop off some more clothes Cadenza made but it looks like you guys are busy so..." Laurance laughed, and I felt the heat rush to my cheeks.

"My ship has sailed, I'm grateful." Laurance leans against the doorframe and I stay silent.

Aphmau suddenly laughs.

"You're taking this extremely well, you know." Aphmau said, putting a hand on her hip.

"Well, I do love you, but clearly Garroth here is faster and loves you more, so there." Laurance shrugs, yet I can tell from the disappointed look in his green eyes.

"Hey, if all else backfires, you still have almost the entire population of the girls at school drooling over you. 'Oh my Irene! Laurance is so hot and who's Garroth and Dante?'" I mock some of the crazed fan girls of Laurance, and he laughs.

"Or you have Katelyn." Aphmau adds, nudging me in the side with a mischievious grin on her face. (I ship Laurance and Katelyn okay don't judge me •-• )

Laurance immediately flushes pink, and I look over at Aphmau, who's taking a step closer to Laurance.

"Is there a potential ship somewhere in the sea?" Aphmau says, and his eyes widen.

"Okay! I just came here to drop off clothes and I have, so goodbye! I'm telling the others about this!" Laurance turns around and walks away. Aphmau doubles over into laughter and I smile watching her laugh.

"You're so cute when you laugh." I mumble, and she suddenly slows down her breath to stop herself from laughing.

"What?" She rolls onto her stomach, her hazel eyes looking directly into mine.

"N-Nothing!" I stutter, and she shrugs.

"H-Hey, can I ask you something?" I say, and she nods.

"How long have you had that diary?" I ask, and Aphmau begins thinking; unconciously twirling a few strands of hair around her finger.

"Since I came to Phoenix Drop. I found some interesting materials in the woods when I went exploring, and with Zoey's help I made it." She grinned, and I nodded.

"Do you have any secrets?" She smirked, and I got all flustered.

Too many to count.

"Not really." I shrug, and she rolls her eyes.

"Sure..." She trailed, and I tried not to look at her to hide my heated face.

Truth is, when I first started staying here, I didn't tell her everything about the car crash and my mother.

I didn't tell her I was in the car crash.

I didn't show her the scars trailing down my back from that incident.

I didn't want to hurt her emotions more than they were already bawling out in waterfalls through her eyes.

It was too painful to see her cry.

Though I can't remember much from my younger days, I remember the crash so vividly.

So, so vividly.


"Garroth, come with me to the grocery store. I need to get milk for your brother, along with a few other things." My mother tied her blonde hair up into a ponytail, grabbing her leather bag.

I waddled towards her, my stubby feet preventing me from getting anywhere very fast.

"You adorable little thing. Come on." My mother picked me up and walked out the front door and towards the car.

She opened the backdoor and strapped me into the baby seat first before going to the front of the car and getting into the driver's seat.

"Ready?" She asked, buckling her seatbelt.

"Yay yay!" I cheered as a reply, and my mother laughed and started the engine.


"The road is empty and the lighrs are red... Okay, we can go." She mumbled to herself, shifting the gear stick and moving forward.

Suddenly, it was as if everything slowed down into slow motion.

A bright red car came speeding down the east lane, and the crash was inevitable. It rammed into the side of my mother's white one, flipping the car upside down. My mother immediately unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed precariously to the back of the car, and hugged me tight to shield me from the flying glass.

I heard loud horns and soon the car was sliding across the road, and finally one last vehicle came and ended the commotion.

A large lorry came out of nowhere, and the driver could not brake in time, crashing into the wreck of three cars already. The car spun and I was dizzy from all the spinning and I had tears streaming down my cheeks, yet my mother was motionless.

The car crashed into a stable object, and I looked through the small gap between my mother's fingers. We had hit a large tree.

Blood was trickling down my back from the glass that had shattered, and my mother remained still, though her body was badly cut and bruised.

Sirens could be heard, and I was wailing.

I felt the gravity shift as someone lifted the car as much as they could and took me out from my mother's arms and into theirs.

The woman carrying me had red cornrows and had a yellow bow clipping up their fringe.

Their name tag read "Matilda".

"Is there another person in there?" She asked the other person in front of her.

"Yeah, wait. There seems to be the boy's... mother." The atmosphere suddenly turned extremely tense, and I heard more yelling for help.

I watched as they lifted the car and pulled my mothet out, but the minute her body was visible, the woman named "Matilda" who was holding me shielded my eyes.

I caught a glimpse of blood and cuts o my mother's body and even though I didn't know what was happening I began crying more.

And more, and more.

Before I knew it, I heard the final words before I fell asleep from exhaustion and traumatisation.

"She's gone, she's dead."

-Flashback End-

I came back to reality and Aphmau was looking at me; concerned. I felt my cheeks which were soaked, and I just continued crying.

As usual.

"Garroth! Garroth! Please respond this time..." Aphmau shook me and I suddenly leaned in and kissed her, and pulled away shortly.

"I-I-It was... I... S-S-She..." I stuttered, struggling for breath.

Aphmau wrapped her arms around me and engulfed me in a hug.

"Hey, calm down. You're alright, whatever you thought of suddenly is nothing now." She whispered, and I calmed down.

I have so many secrets.

But I just can't tell them.


Epic title reference to finish the four-parter ^-^


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