[17] false accusation

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friday / day after realisation;

"Garroth? Why have you been so quiet?" Aphmau suddenly asked and my face went pale, and Dante shook his head.

"Leave him be Aphmau, he's probably not feeling well." Dante said, and Aphmau frowns. Dante knew everything.

I told him.


"D-Dante help me." I said into the phone, pacing back and forth in my house's backyard.

"Calm down, you've been hyperventilating since the start of the call." Dante said, and I slowed my breath.

"Now, tell me what's wrong."

"I-I-I-I'm in love with Aphmau."


"I... I don't know." I finally stop pacing and sit on the grass, the starry sky lighting up certain points in the big grassy patch. My brother and father were sleeping, they went to bed early.

Eight-thirty, early.

"Are you gonna tell her?"

"I don't know! I'm known for being that kid who doesn't believe in love, and doesn't care and has no friends and-and-and-"

"Garroth, calm down. Get control of yourself." Dante said, and I clenched my left fist, as an attempted to calm the stressed thoughts.

"I don't know what to do, Dante. I'm new to this entire thing." I say, and Dante sighs.

"Don't ask me, I'm no expert either," he pauses and sighs, "but I think you should just see how this plays out."

"What do you mean?"

"Just be the Garroth she knows, the same grumpy Garroth that the entire school knows. Something is bound to happen."

"Okay, I have to go. Thanks Dante, bye."



-Flashback end-

It's a lot more difficult to be "yourself" than you think.

I was wearing one of the new outfits I got with Aphmau, I managed to stuff all my new stuff into my backpack. So my father didn't see.

It was a grey hoodie, black jeans and white sneakers.

"Garroth, you're acting like when you had a panic attack. I'm worried, do you need-"

"N-No, I'm fine." I cut her off, playing with my food using my fork and spoon.


"Garroth, next is History. Let's go." Dante packed his backpack and stood from the bench, and I did the same. Aphmau's next period was free, so she could linger a bit longer.

"Bye Garroth!" Her chirpy voice echoed in my head, threatening for me to say the words I wish I could.

"Bye." I say, and run slightly to catch up with Dante.

"You need to tell her before you snap, you're halfway there." Dante brisk walked, so we could get further from Aphmau. It wasn't difficult for me to catch up as I was a few inches taller.

"No I don't-"

"Don't say another word." Dante stops abruptly, and turns around to face me. He glares at me with his deep blue eyes, his stare flaming with anger and frustration.

"You listen here O'khasis. You're going to tell that girl how you feel before you break. She's getting worried, and it pains me to know that you and her are suffering because of your sheer idiocy. Aphmau cares for you more than a friend, but you're too dense to realise. Now is not the time to think: 'Oh I'm Garroth and all I do is get chairs thrown at my head everyday', because there is someone who cares for you. And you care for her back. Just tell that bloody woman how you feel, before I die of frustration from how oblivious you two are!" Dante raised his voice, but was careful not to make it too loud.


"We have to get to History." He huffs, and continues walking. I shake my head and follow behind him.

Why is Dante always right?


"Garroth O'khasis!" My father yells from my room, and I run up the six flights of stairs. I open the creaky door and he's holding a small picture.

My heart sinks to the bottom of my chest as he angrily shoves the polaroid in my face.

"Who is this?! Is this your girlfriend?" He yelled, and I gulped.

"No, she's just my partner for a project. We were doing work at the park and-"

"Now you dare lie to my face?!" His arm muscles tense up as I watch him throw the polaroid on the ground and stomp on it, the dirt from under his boot dirtying it and destroying it.

I feel tears form in my eyes as I watch it get destroyed.

"And that necklace, it looks hideous. Whoever gave you that, if you didn't steal it, must be blind." He yelled, but thank Irene he didn't touch it.

I feel my hood getting lifted. It gets pulled over my head and covers my eyes, and the straps in the front tighten. I feel my weight being lifted from the ground, and I know what's about to happen next.

My father walks back down to the living room, and to the front door.

"You dare to lie to me. You ingrateful little idiot. I didn't want any children, after she had you she wanted another. Zane is much better though. I don't want to see you ever again, or you'll get it." He takes off my hood from my head, and he lifts his foot and kicks me in the stomach. I literally get kicked out of the house and onto the concrete pavement, and I feel my head painfully scrape across the floor.





I stand up weakly, and I feel a liquid dripping from my head. I feel around on my head and my hand makes contact with something. I look at my head.


All of a sudden I feel light-headed.

It was four in the afternoon, and I just got banned from my house.

My head is bleeding, and I only have my phone. I have a headache, and I have nowhere to go. I clumsily make my way over to a bench nearby, and I sit down.

Can this day get any better?


"Fantastic." I mumble as a raindrop falls in front of me, and the rain gets heavier.

I sigh and close my eyes, falling asleep listening to the crackling of lightning and roaring of thunder.

fragments → garmau • mcd auTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon