[42] jealously

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Laurance seemed to be uncomfortable.

Uncomfortable when Aphmau practically announced I had finally asked her to prom.

I mean, was it really that big of a deal?

Thank Irene she didn't announce we were dating.

Though, technically this would probably lead people on to the assumption of a relationship.

And it was pretty obvious.

And Laurance already knew.

Why do I always ramble in my thoughts?

"Dante, have you asked anyone yet?" Laurance asks through gritted teeth, feeling his burning stare shoot straight through my head.

What's his deal?

I thought he said he was chill.

"K-Kawaii~Chan." Dante stammered, the heat rising in his cheeks.

Laurance clenched his fists and walked away.

"What's his deal?" Aphmau asks, and Dante and I shrug.

"Something probably ticked him off." Dante said, and I nodded in agreement.


"Uh, hey Garroth!" I hear an unfamiliar voice call my name, and I turn around. Azura is waving, and I walk over to her.


"Just wanna catch up, you know." She looks stiff, with a hint of jealously.

What is up with everyone today?

"Oh, okay." I shrug, and lean against the locker due to the small throbbing pain in my ribs.

"So how are you? I mean obviously you're doing great since you have a girlfriend and everything now
it should be great." She said, and I stared at her.

"If you count breaking your ribs, nearly dying, getting a chair thrown at your face, kicked out of your own house, and sleeping with the eternal fear your psycotic family is going to find you and kill everyone you know and love, then yes. I've been doing fantastic." I say, and she gives me a confused look.

"Liar." I hear her mumble, and I begin to walk away from her.

"I'm not taking this." I don't look back.

Who does she think she is?

"Wait Garroth! I'm sorry, it's just difficult to believe that your life is so bad when you have her." She says the last part in what sounds like disgust, and I clench my fists.

"Look, if you wanted me to talk to you just so you could criticize my life, I'm not taking it. I finally figured out a small fragment of my life and you can't even be nice to be for one second. You've changed." I say, my voice monotonous with a hint of anger.

"Well maybe if you took up my offer when I said I liked you I wouldn't be such a jerk towards you! And you date another girl who doesn't look that great!" She says, and my eyes widen. I feel the growing temptation to punch that smirk off her face, but I hold back.

"Take that back." I say through gritted teeth, and she laughs.

"What, take back the fact that your girlfriend is ugly? Can't do that, I'm afraid." She smirks.

"Well, she's more beautiful than you will ever be. And I'm afraid you also can't do anything about that." I say, and turn around and walk away.

"Garroth!" I hear a more comforting voice, and I turn back around. I see Aphmau running towards me, and I smile.

She runs into me, hugging me tightly.

"I haven't seen you this entire morning since we split up for classes! I've been looking for you!" She giggles, snd I stroke her hair.

"Well, I'm here now." I smile at her, and I look back up as she releases me. I see Azura in the crowd of students, her eyes filled with anger and hatred, and mainly jealously.

"Come on, let's go." I grab Aphmau's hand, and begin to walk away.


"Garroth I'm in deep trouble." Dante pushed his hand through his blue hair, then ruffled it; making it messy and disheveled.

"What? Why?" I ask, and he begins pacing in circles.

"I overheard Gene talking to Nicole, asking her about prom. Gene is going with Sasha, he wouldn't stop talking about it the other day, but he asked who Nicole was going with. I heard her say my name, but at the time I was with Kawaii~Chan and she was holding my hand, so Nicole saw that, and she got really angry, and I'm terrified I'm going to be thrown out the classroom window during English later." Dante sped-talked, and my eyes widened.

"Something weird is going on." I shake my head, and Dante tilts his head.

"What do you mean?" He asks, and I sigh.

"Everyone's just so jealous today."

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