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this book was written before the reveal, and it will stay written before the reveal.

i'm not dumb, i know it's ro'meave.

so please stop acting like grammar and factual nazi's and deal with the fact that this was written before that side story.

or, just don't read it at all. whatever, up to you.


My name is Garroth O'khasis.

I live in Phoenix Drop, and attend Phoenix Drop High as a senior.

I have a greedy, power-obsessed father who in reality is just a sad banker, a douché sophomore for a younger brother, a small wyvern that isn't around much, and no social life.

Why do I not have any sort of social life or have any interactions with other humans?

I don't believe in love.

I think it's all made up, to make children believe that when they grow up, they're going to find their "true love", and live "happily ever after."

We all know that those are all lies.

We all know not everyone gets a happy ending.

I think love is stupid, illogical and a trick.

This non-belief of a affectionate emotion has a side package of no friends, no acquantiances, nobody.

Except my family, which don't count.

I have spent my entire time at Phoenix Drop High; invisible.

Unlike some people.

Brown haired, blue eyed. Though they used to be green, Irene knows whatever happened.

Laurance Meteli.

"Hunk", as the girls call it.

Let's list out the people I have had interactions with the entire time I've been at this school.

There's Azura, the first person who didn't mind my non-belief. But I don't trust her.

Then again, I don't trust anyone.

Not even myself.

There's Donna and Logan, who "love" eachother so much they got a house together and have a dog named "Yip", despite being only in highschool and the only job Logan has is selling things, with a legal license of course.

There's Laurance, douché to me. Not as douchéy as my brother, but still.

There's Cadenza, Laurance's adopted sister. Sweet girl, but finds it slightly strange that I don't believe in the supposed "most powerful emotion you can have", quote on quote.

There's Brian, a junior. Parents are friendly, to say the nicest. Has a kid sister, Alexis.

Then there's Nicole, who hates me for some Irene forsaken reason. Is in Laurance's group of gossipers, as I call it.

I've had brief conversations and greetings with these people, maybe slight bullying, but that's about it.

Four years, the fourth one beginning tomorrow, and I've only interacted with seven people.

You see what I mean now, by saying I have no social life?

And guess what?

I'm perfectly content with that.

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