Chapter 10

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I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on my door. *knock knock* "yeah!" I yell with my eyes still closed. The door flings open and Brian runs into my room and jumps on me. "Brian! What are you doing!?" I yell and giggle, he begins to tickle me which causes me to laugh even more. Barbra walks into the room and says, "Breakfast is on the table!" Then leaves the room. Brian stops tickling me and kisses my forehead and I smile greatly. He gets off me and I get out of bed.

We both walk into the kitchen and sit down. Barbra places some pancakes in front of us. "They look decent" I whisper to Brian. "Don't risk it, let me try it first" he replies. He picks up his fork and stabs his pancake then puts it into his mouth and eats it. "It's not too bad actually" he says. I smile in relief and we both dig in. We finish breakfast and thank Barbra for the meal, then we go back to our bedrooms and get dressed for school. Once I am ready for school I grab my things then leave my room. I meet Brian in the living room and we say goodbye to his parents then leave for school.

We arrive at school. We wait outside and look around for Jeordie and Vicky to arrive. I decide to text Vicky.
Me: Hey, you coming to school today?
Vicky: Yeah I'm on my way! My hair straightener died and I've had the worst morning ever! But yeah I'll be there in 5 minutes.
Me: Haha! Okay see you soon.
I finish texting her and I have a smile on my face. It's nice to see things are going back to normal again. "I love it when you smile" Brian says gazing at me. I drop my smile and try to act serious, but it doesn't last for long before we both burst into laughter and smile. Suddenly we hear someone yell "Hey!" Behind us then someone wraps their arms around us. Brian and I look up at the person at the time, it's Jeordie. "Hi Jeordie" Brian says casually and Jeordie smiles at us. The bell rings and we all begin to walk to class.

We reach Jeordie's classroom and say goodbye, Brian and I continue walking until we get to mine. I say goodbye to Brian and was just about to walk into my class when Brian pulls me back towards him. He pulls me in and kisses me on my lips. I blush intensely, this is the first time his ever kissed me at school. I'm not embarrassed just very stunned. He releases me and we hear some people giggling at us in the distance but we ignore them. Brian smiles at me then let's go of me and with all my strength I leave him and continue to enter my class.

*Ring!* "Finally! It's lunch!" I say with excitement to myself which causes others to look at me. I walk down to the cafeteria and sit at the table we usually sit at. Eventually Vicky and Jeordie come over and join me. "So how was class?" Jeordie asks Vicky and I. I shrugged my shoulders. "Same old, same old." Vicky replies and Jeordie nods his head. Vicky and Jeordie start talking about their favorite bands but I am distracted by the thought of wondering where Brian was. 10 minutes had passed and lunch was almost over. "Do you guys know where Brian is?" I finally ask. "Wow, I thought you'd never ask. He's staying behind in class because he got in trouble for debating with his History teacher about religion." Jeordie says. "Why didn't you mention this before!" I reply, annoyed. "I didn't think it was a big deal! Just chill, I think he'll be alright." Jeordie says trying to reassure me. But it doesn't work. I know how Brian feels about religion and I know how badly his old Christian school treated him. I can't help but worry about him. Vicky can tell I look worried. "He's in room 113." She says. I smile at her, "Thanks" I reply. I get up and go to find Brian.

I reach the outside of room 113 and was about to knock on the door, when I heard yelling. The door had a glass window through it, so I was able to look inside. I look closely. I see Brian sitting on a chair while a teacher is walking around him, they are still arguing. Suddenly Brian mumbles something and the teacher snaps. I see the teacher lift up a ruler and slap it on Brian's hand. I couldn't help it, I just felt the need to step in. So I pushed open the door and barged in. "What the hell do you think your doing!?" I yell at the teacher. The teacher has a pissed look on his face and starts to move towards me, but Brian steps in front of him to keep him well away. "Look girl, it is best that you just leave." The teacher says to me. "I'm not leaving until Brian leaves with me!" I protest. Suddenly the door opens and Ms Sux (the principal) enters the room with a furious look on her face. "What is all this commotion!? I can here it from all the way to my office." She says sternly. Before any of us could say anything she looks at Brian and I, "Both of you go to my office right now. I'll be with you shortly." She says bluntly. We walk out of the room and leave the principal and the teacher behind.

The boy that you loved, is the man that you fear~ Marilyn MansonWhere stories live. Discover now