Chapter 3 (The Party)

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I'm walking to the party and it's getting pretty dark, I start feeling my anxiety rise so I start walking faster, I see a short cut and I decide to take it. As I'm halfway down the short cut I hear a bunch of voices behind me, I take a quick look behind me and see a group of boys with beer bottles in their hands. I start to panic as I hear them getting closer, "Hey! You! Yeah you, girl stop!" someone yelled out. I gasp and start to speed up, the boys were too fast for me, I feel someone grab my arm and turn me around, "Get off me!" I yell. "Well, what do we have here? One of those goth girls I see" a boy says while giving me a pedophile looking smile. "Fuck off! Just leave me alone!" I yell at the boys as they get closer. "Hey bitch! That's no way to speak to a man" one of the boys yells out then slaps me across the face, I fall to the ground. The boys begin to spit on me and kick me as I lay on the ground while they called me a worthless whore and a bitch, I begin to cry. "Hey you cunts! Get off her you motherfuckers!" I hear someone with a deep angry voice yell in the distance. The boys all look at each other then begin to run away. I feel someone lift me up to my feet and hold me, with all my strength I look up to see Brian holding me with a pissed look on his face. "Brian?" I say with a shaky voice, "Hey Sof, you alright?" he says with a worried face, "I am now... why aren't you at the party?" I ask, "I was just walking there, I was running a bit late because I was having a debate with my parents, I heard someone crying and some guys yelling over here so I ran over to help" Brian says while looking back down to my face, "Oh I see, well um thank you" I say, "Your welcome Sof" Brian says with a warm smile, "Umm Brian... I think I can stand up now, so you can stop holding me" I say shyly, "Oh! Yeah sorry" he says. We giggle and continue to walk to the party.


Brian and I get to the party and walk in, the place is packed with a bunch of jocks, cheerleaders and preps, Brian and I seem to be the only ones dressed in black. Tash spots us and walks over, she's wearing a red skin tight short dress which must make every girl in the room feel like shit compared to her, "Brian! You're here, I was getting worried that you weren't coming" She says to Brian without acknowledging my existence, "Hi Tash! Nice to see you too!" I say with an annoyed tone, "Oh yeah sorry Hi, you look...nice" she says with a smug look on her face which makes me feel uncomfortable. "Sof! Brian! You're here! Finally!" Vicky yells out while running up towards us, Vicky was about to hug me but instead she stopped and stared at me. "Holy shit Sof, what happened to you?" Vicky says with a worried look on her face, "What? What do you mean?" I say nervously, "Your hair and makeup is all smudged and ruined!" she raises her voice, I look over to Tash and see her giggling, "Thanks for not telling me guys, your such great friends" I say pissed off and roll my eyes, "Sof! I'm sorry, I was going to tell you-" I cut Brian off by walking away to go to the bathroom while Vicky follows after me.


I get to the bathroom and look in the mirror, "UGH! OMG I LOOK LIKE A DISASTER!" I yell out loud, "What happened Sof?" Vicky asks me. "I was walking to the party when a bunch of drunken assholes decided to push me over and kick/spit on me while I was on the ground" I say while trying to fix my makeup in the mirror, "What! Wtf! How did you get away! Vicky says with a raised voice, "Well... As I was laying there crying, I heard a voice call out to the assholes who were kicking me and then all of a sudden those they ran away" "Who yelled out?" Vicky asks, "Well it was Brian... he came over to me and lifted me up and just held me." I say slowly, not sure of what Vicky will say next. "Oh My God... REALLY?! Brian was your savior! THAT'S SO CUTE!!!" she yells at me which causes me to almost pull out some of my hair as I was combing it. "Sof, you never actually told me if you like him or not" she says with a raised eyebrow, "Oh I didn't? Oh too bad" I say with a smerk, "No! come on tell me!" she yells, "Okay! Okay... Well I don't know, I mean whenever I see him he makes my heart beat faster, he always makes me blush and I get so nervous around him! So I guess... I do like him." I say. "AWW! This is way too cute! You like him! HALLELUJAH!" Vicky says which makes us burst into laughter. "Sof, this is great and all but I need to tell you something about Tash" Vicky says in a serious tone. "Alright... what is it?" I say nervously. "She told me that she was interested in Brian and that she thought he was really hot, I didn't think much of it then but tonight I overheard her tell some girls that she was planning on hooking up with Brian...tonight" Vicky says, "Oh... I see..." I say looking down feeling like shit. "Sof, I'm sure things will be alright, just try and spend time with Brian tonight okay?" she says trying to reassure me. "No offense Vic but... I'm no match when it comes to Tash" I say with tears in my eyes, Vicky comes closer to me and hugs me.

The boy that you loved, is the man that you fear~ Marilyn MansonWhere stories live. Discover now