Chapter 1

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I woke up this morning feeling like shit while my alarm went off at 8am. I slowly got up dragging myself out of my  warm and comfy bed then making my way into the bathroom to have a shower. Once I finished having my shower I put on my David Bowie t-shirt and some black ripped jeans. After I got dressed I started putting on my makeup;Pale foundation, grey eyeshadow, black eyeliner and red lipstick. I then straighten my long brown hair and looked into my bathroom mirror one last time before sighing "I wish I had black hair" then left to go downstairs and eat breakfast. I looked around downstairs and saw nobody was around, my parents were probably still asleep (my parents didn't care much for me and ignored me most of the time, unless they need something from me once their done arguing with each other) I sighed and finished my breakfast, then walked to school.

I got to school and walked straight through, trying to avoid as many people as I could before making it to my class. I got to class and saw my friend Tash sitting in the back corner, (Tash is one of the two friends I have at school, my other friend is called Vicky and we're all considered a bunch of misfits at our school but we don't mind, it makes us feel like rebels.) I walk up to Tash and give her a wave, she gives me a nod back, we don't talk much in the first couple of classes because we aren't morning people. I pull up a seat next to her and sit down, I start to look around the classroom to see who's there, I see my English teacher Mr B standing at the front of the class looking around at all his students entering the room, once everyone had sat down Mr B was about to start his lesson when he was interrupted by our Principal Ms Sux. She looked around at all the students and then spoke "I'm looking for someone to give a new student a tour around the school, who's interested?" Almost everyone in the class raised their hand (it was just an excuse for them to get out of class) Tash and I left out hands down and lowered our heads so we wouldn't been noticed, but that didn't work. "Sofia! Yes Sofia would you please follow me" I raise my head to see the whole class staring at me, they all seemed pretty disappointed that I got chosen instead of them, I hear Tash next to me slightly giggling. I roll my eyes and grab my bag and start heading out the door to follow Ms Sux.

When we arrive in Ms Sux's office she tells me to grab a seat and wait till the new student arrives. She started giving me information about the new student and what I was meant to do, "His name is Brian Warner, he is 17 and in the same year as you and will probably be in a lot of your classes. Please show him around the school and make him feel welcome." She says with a slight/weird smile. "Fuck my life" I mutter under my breath, "What was that Sofia?" Ms Sux said with a stern look on her face, she suddenly looked up behind me and put a smile on her face. "Welcome! You must be Barbara, I'm Ms Sux and this must be Brian. It's a pleasure to have you here" Ms Sux says while walking behind me. I don't bother to look behind me or getting up because I'm really pissed that I'm even here in the first place. Ms Sux and Ms Warner start having a conversation but I don't hear Brian say a single word the whole time. I zoned out because I started to get bored but snapped out of it because I was interrupted by Ms Sux saying my name and asking me to come over. I stood up and turned around to face everyone, I looked at Ms Warner and she gave me a warm smile and I smiled back, I then turned to Brian and I suddenly felt my face start to blush because standing in front of me was a tall and skinny 17 year old with long black hair and pale skin, he also had a lip piercing which I found really attractive. He was wearing a kiss t-shirt and black skinny jeans and black boots. After I was done checking the new guy out Ms Sux said "Sofia I would now like you to show Brian around the school and then take him to his class once your done" this time I didn't have any complaints about this guy so I grabbed my bag and said "Sure thing Ms!" And then exited her office while Brian followed behind me.

We start walking up the corridor and passing the school lockers as we would go along. Suddenly Brian asks me "So where are you taking me?" I turn to look at Brain but look away because I feel my face start to blush again, "I was thinking I would show you the cafeteria first and then show you the class rooms and then head to the outside area of the school, is that alright?" I replied. "Yeah sure, take me wherever you want. Oh and Sofia... I like your David Bowie shirt" He says. "Thanks! I love Bowie! Uhh I like your Kiss shirt too." I say with excitement. "Your welcome and thanks too" he says with a wink ;) I blush and start walking a little faster. We finally get to the cafeteria and I let Brian walk around and explore while I wait in a corner while checking him out from a distance. He has such a nice slim body and the way his ass looks I those jeans hmmm. I quickly snap out of it as I see Brain coming back to me, "I think I'm done looking around in here, it looks like every other school cafeteria to be honest" he says, I nod my head and I start walking him upstairs. We finish walking to all the classrooms and looking around "Well now that took ages, there's so many classrooms here! Let's head outside" Brian says to me, I agree and we head outside. We walk to the outside area of the school and Brian seems to be a little impressed by the place, I thought to myself. "Wow this place is a lot bigger than my old school" he says in astonishment, he then looks down. "Let me guess, your starting to miss your old school?" I say to him, he looks up at me and says "No way, my school was so shit and the people were even worse, I fucking hated it there, I guess I just have to get used to being here is all." "Brian...I know we've just met today but I think I can relate to you, so if you ever want to talk to me about anything then tell me, I've been told I'm a great listener" I say with a smile. Brian looks at me and we look into each other's eyes, he smiles back at me "Thank you Sofia, I might just take you up on that offer".

I finish showing Brian around the school but it took longer than I thought, he didn't even get to one of his classes but at least I got to spend the whole day with him. School was almost over and Brian and I waited outside the front of the school ready to leave. "So... Sofia can I have your number? I mean I know we only met today but I really don't have any friends around here and your the only cool person I know so I was hoping I could get to know you better". I start to smile and I reach for my phone in my pocket, "Yeah sure I was hoping we could get to know each other too! I'm just glad you asked first" we exchanged numbers and say goodbye then head out separate ways.

I get home and see my parents arguing in the living room, to get their attention I decide to slam the door shut behind me. They both stopped arguing and looked over at me, my dad suddnely decides to walk out of the house and drive off without saying a word. I was about to walk upstairs to go to my room when my mum called for me. "Sofia! Can we talk for a minute?" I was a bit stunned, she hasn't asked me to talk to her in months, I drop my bag and walk over to her. "Yes mom what is it?" "I-i just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry... Sorry that your dad and I are always arguing and that we barely talk to you anymore. I guess I just wanted to know if you were alright." I feel tears start to come up but I hold them in, I couldn't believe she just asked me how I felt, it makes me so happy that she still cares. "I'm alright mom, thanks for asking" I replied giving her a smile. "One more thing Sofia...if things don't get better with your dad and I...well I'm afraid that one of us are going to leave and to be honest I'm not too sure what will happen to you" I stare at my mom and I can see her start to tear up. I don't know where I got the courage but I felt the sudden urge to, I went straight up to my mom and wrapped my arms around her and started to cry. I hear my mom start to cry too and soon enough I felt her hug me too. "Sorry Sofia..." My mom says while sobbing, "it's okay mom, thank you for caring" I say softly. After about 5 minutes of hugging I finally walked upstairs and got to my room and sighed "I can't believe that just happened".

I had a shower and got into bed and was about to fall asleep when I noticed I had 3 messages. 1.Tash 2.Vicky 3.Brian.
I click on Tash's message first.
Tash: Hey I haven't seen you all day since this morning. How was it showing the new kid around?
Me: yeah ik sorry bout that. It was actually pretty great showing the new guy around, he's pretty attractive ;)
Tash: What really? Tell me about him.
Me: Well, his name is Brian, he is 17 and his in our year so he'll probably be in a lot of our classes. Idk I just found him pretty attractive.
Tash: Well then, I can't wait to see this guy tomorrow. You better introduce us, anyways goodnight.
Me: Yeah I will. Gnight.

Now Vicky's message.
Vicky: SOFIA! I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU ALL DAY YOU BITCH! Tash told me you got stuck with showing some new kid around school today, hah! Sucks to be you!
Me: Well fyi it actually didn't suck! The new kid happens to be very attractive and I got to spend the whole day with him so hah! :P
Vicky: WHAT! NO FAIR! Like how hot is he?! Tell me everything I MUST KNOW!!!
Me: Well if you must know... His name is Brian, he is in our grade and he is 17. And as for his hotness well... You know what type of guys I'm into. Brian is tall and skinny and pale too! He has long black hair and has a lip piercing. He wears all black too!!! All pluses in my book. ;)
Vicky: Yep sounds like your type of guy! Luckily this means you don't have to worry about me stealing him ;) lol but you might have some competition with Tash tho. Anyways I gtg parents are going to nag me if I stay up any later (sons of bitches!) GOODNIGHT SOFIA! May Brian be in your sweet dreams ;)
Me: Haha! Thanks! LOVE YA! GOODNIGHT!

Finally gets to Brian's message.
Brian: Sofia hey it's Brian Warner the guy you met at school today... Like you could forget ;)
Me: Brian who!?
Brian: You know me, the tall white handsome guy with long black hair and the lip piercing that all the girls go crazy for ;)
Me: Idk if I would say your that handsome... Especially with that lip ring of yours ;)
Brian: Hah! Made you remember me! And uhhh are you sure about my lip ring? I seem to remember you staring at it for quite a while...or maybe you were just looking at my lips :P
Me: Maybe I was... What are you going to do about it?
Brian: You'll just have to wait and see ;)
Me: Great, I'm looking forward to it. Until tomorrow then.
Brian: yes until tomorrow, goodnight Sofia. Sweet Dreams.
Me: Sweet Dreams~
Today was one of the best days I have had in years, I think I will have sweet dreams :)
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The boy that you loved, is the man that you fear~ Marilyn MansonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang