Chapter 6

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I wake up to the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. I look around and remember where I was. I had spent the night and Brian's house. I realize that I'm lying on top of Brian and i decide to sit up which causes Brian to wake up. "Good Morning Beautiful" Brian says with his eyes still closed, "Morning Handsome" I reply. "I think your parents are home, I heard a car pull up into the driveway." "It's about time" Brian says. Suddenly the door opens and Hugh walks in. I squeal because I'm sitting right on top of Brian, so I quickly move over so Hugh wouldn't notice. "Oh sorry, did I interrupt something?" Hugh said with a loud laugh. "No! I was just..." I didn't know what to say, "haha it's alright, I don't mind, I was just checking in to tell you guys we're home" Hugh says. "Yeah thanks dad" Brian grunts. "Anytime" he says with a wink then leaves the room. I look over to Brian and see he is now wide awake, "why'd you jump off me? come back" he says with a pout then picks me up and places me back on top of him. "I thought your dad would get angry" I replied, "haha no their cool about that stuff" he said. "Oh okay then", the next thing I know my stomach starts rumbling and making noises. "Well, someone's hungry" Brian says looking down at my stomach, which made me a bit self conscious so I covered my stomach with my hands. "Hey don't hide your beautiful body from me" he says then begins to loosen me up by tickling me. "Haha! Brian! Stop!" I started yelling and laughing uncontrollably. Once I let go of my stomach he stopped ticking me then pulled me in for a kiss. I didn't ever want to stop kissing him, it felt so good. Brian finally pulls away and smiles at me.
"Want something to eat?" Brian asks, "yes please" I reply sweetly with a smile. Both Brian and I get up out of bed and walk to the kitchen. We see Barbra in the kitchen making some pancakes, she then turns to us and offers us some. Both Brian and I look at each other as if we were about to be sick, (we were remembering what she made for us last night and how bad it tasted) we look back and Barbra and reply "No thanks!" At the same time, "we're not hungry" Brian adds. He then pulls me closer to him and whispers in my ear "we'll go out and eat" I nod in agreement and we go back into Brian's room.

As soon as we get into Brian's room, he starts to get changed right in front of me, "Brian!... I uh... Never mind" I say slowly while blushing. Brian just looks over to me and gives me a smirk and continues to take off his pants, I look away. "Okay you can look now" Brian says to me and I look up. I blush uncontrollably, Brian doesn't have a shirt on and his body looks so sexy. Brian could tell I was blushing and he started walking over to me, "Brian... Don't, your making me blush" I say before he get's any closer to me, but he ignores me and pins me against the wall. "I love seeing you blush" he says, he then bites his lip ring which he knows will turn me on. Brian smiles at me, then passionately kisses me and I kiss him back. He manages to get his tongue in my mouth and I let out a moan. He then decides to stop kissing my lips and turns his head sideways and begins to kiss my neck. I moan even louder this time and I start to grip onto him and pull him closer. After a while Brian pulls away and we just smile at each other. Brian finally finishes getting changed and I do up my hair and makeup.

Brian and I head out to the living room where Barbra and Hugh were, "Thanks for letting me stay here last night" I say shyly. Both Hugh and Barbra get up and walk over to me, "No problem, it was nice meeting you Sofia" Hugh replies while giving me a hug goodbye, "Your welcome here any time" Barbra says with a warm smile then hugs me too. Brian and I say our goodbyes then leave to go find a place to eat.

"What do you feel like eating?" Brian and I ask each other at the same time, we then laugh. "Um how about some Burger King?" I suggest and Brian agrees so we walk to Burger King.
When we get to Burger King Brian asks me what I want to eat, "what ever your having" I tell him, he says okay and I walk off to find a table to sit at. As soon as I sat down I remembered that I promised I'd tell Vicky about how the date went, so I pulled out my phone and began to text her,
Me: Hey Vicky, sorry I didn't text you last night, I was so busy and I kinda stayed the night at Brian's house...
Vicky: What! You stayed the night at his house!!! Okay tell me everything.
Me: Well he picked me up from my house at 10am, but I had to jump out my window just so I could get out and meet him (thanks to my dad). He then took me to a roller skating rink which was... Interesting (and I actually skated for the first time all by myself!) then after that he took me to a concert... And it was none other than Mother Fucking David Bowie! And your not going to believe this part but, Brian and I got backstage and met Bowie and the band and spent like a whole hour with them! After we left we went to Brian's house afterwards and I had dinner at his place and we watched a movie... And we made out!
Vicky: Oh My God! 1st you roller skated (which is pretty hard to imagine), 2nd you went to a Bowie concert and met him backstage!?!?!?! And 3rd you made out with him and and spent the night! HOLY SHIT! This is some first date.
Me: Tell me about it! I still can't believe all of this happened.
Vicky: He was your first kiss wasn't he?
Me: Yes and you know it.
Vicky: Well... What was it like!
Me: Fucking incredible, I don't know what other way to put it.
Vicky: You lucky son of a bitch! When I see you at school tomorrow your going to give me all the details about every moment, okay?
Me: Haha okay, I promise.
Once I finished texting her I put my phone down on the table, I then look over to Brian who's at the front of the line ordering the food. "Hi there!" I hear some voice say behind me. I turn around and almost jump out of my seat in shock. I see a someone with big black messy dreadlocks and a really makeup caked face. "H hi..." I reply nervously. "I'm Jeordie, what's your name?" They ask. "I'm Sofia..." I reply shyly. "Sofia... That's a really nice name. So Sofia do you play any instruments or sing?" They asked me. "Um well I can play a little guitar but... You see my boyfriend over there, he can sing" I reply pointing my finger over at Brian so this person would take their attention off me. "Oh really! Cool!"he replies. Brian walks over with the food in his hands, "So making new friends are we?" Brian asks smugly while sitting down. "Hi! I'm Jeordie! I play bass, Sofia told me you could sing" Jeordie says bluntly while staring at Brian. "did she now?" Brian says looking at me with raised eyebrows. "Yeah, I'm a musician and want to be in a band but nobody likes me so that's why I haven't been able to get into one yet." Jeordie says in a kinda sad tone. Both Brian and I look at each other and feel sad for this person who has no friends, "Hey... Do you want to sit with us?" Brian asks Jeordie. "Really!?" He replies, both Brian and I nod our heads and Jeordie jumps up and sits down next to us.

We sit and chat while eating our meal and start to get to know this Jeordie person, we find out that he's 17, a boy who loves to dress up in dresses plus wear makeup and loves to play bass. Brian and Jeordie hit it off pretty well and they exchange numbers, "You should give me a call sometime and we can hang out" Brian says to Jeordie, Jeordie looks a Brian with a surprised expression then hugs him. "I will thanks!" he replies, Jeordie then gets up and waves us goodbye then leaves. I look over to Brian and smile at him. "that was a real nice thing you did for him" I say to Brian. "Yeah yeah i know" he says looking down blushing at his food.
Brian and I leave Burger King and start walking. "I should probably get back home now, I don't want to get into any arguments with my parents" I say, Brian looks at me and pouts, "okay, I'll walk you home then" he replies.

We walk to my house and Brian and I stop and turn to each other. "I had a really nice date with you yesterday, and I just wanted to say thank you" I say looking up to Brian. "Good, I'm really glad things worked out this way, I'm so happy I get to call you mine" Brian says blushing at me. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. We say goodbye and I walk inside my house.
When I get inside I see my mom sitting on the floor with a bottle of vodka in her hand, "home sweet home" I sigh to myself, I walk over to my mom and see her passed out so I grab the bottle of vodka from her hands and set it down. With all my strength I manage to pick my mother up and bring her upstairs to her room. I set her down in her bed and tuck her in and kiss her forehead. I then close the door silently. I walk into my room and see that my window is still wide open from when I jumped out of it yesterday. I closed the window shut, I walked over into my bathroom and had a shower. Once I got out and got changed I felt exhausted, so I got into my bed and fell asleep.

I woke up hearing a weird tapping noise. I look over at my clock and it says it's 11:30pm, I hear the tapping noise again and look around my room. I got to my window and almost died from a heart attack when I saw Brian outside my window tapping on it. I get up and open my window. "Brian, wtf are you doing here! And how the hell did you get up here!?" I whispered harshly. "I climbed up. Look I can't stop thinking about you and I couldn't bare being with out you so I decided to come over. Now will you let me in! I'm about to fall." Brian says. I stand back and let him climb in, I then shut the window behind him. "So this is your bedroom" Brian says while looking around, "it's not nearly as cool as yours" I say, "well at least you have your own bathroom" he protested. "Point taken" I replied. Brian walks over to my bed and sits on it, then pets the area next to him for me to sit down on. I walk over and sit down next to him, he pulls me in closer to him and we start cuddling. "You know at some point I'd like to meet your parents" Brian says. I stop cuddling him and sit up, "Brian, no. I don't know how'd they react" I replied sternly. "Well what you've told me of them so far is that they don't really give a shit about you, so would it hurt if I just introduced myself?" Brian asked. "Maybe not but to tonight's not the night" I say. Brian nods his head and pulls me back into his arms.

 "You know we have school tomorrow right?" I ask him, "yeah I know" he says smugly. "Your not planning on keeping me up the whole night I hope", "would that be so bad?" He asks jokingly. "Hm that depends" I reply, "On what?" He asks, "On how you plan to keep me up all night" I reply with a flirty voice. He then picks me up and places me on flat on the bed so he is on top of me, "I have a few ideas" he says. Then he begins to kiss me all over my face while caressing my waist with his hands. I feel him begin to slide his hands up my shirt which causes me to flinch, but he continues. Brian starts to kiss his way down to my neck and then to my collar bones, I let out numerous moans and sighs. I get the feeling that he is doing too much for me and that I wanted to give him something back so I quickly turn myself around so that I was now on top of him. I begin to kiss him and then tongue him. I hear him moan for the first time and it turned me on. I started putting my hands up he shirt and was about to take it off when he stopped me. "Sof, slow down, there's no need to rush into things" Brian managed to tell me while panting. "I know it's just... I've never done this before and I don't really know what I'm doing" I confess to him. Brian smiles at me then kisses my lips ever so gently, "We have all the time in the world" he says, I smile and hug him and he leans back. "Let's go to sleep" he says to me, I nod my head then lay my head on his chest and fall asleep in his arms.

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