Chapter 2

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I woke up today feeling better than i usually do everyday, i turn to my alarm clock and turn it off before it starts to ruin my better day, i grab my phone and start to read through all my messages that i texted last night, i get to mine and Brian's messages and start to smile. I get up from my bed and walk over to my closet and look through my clothes, for some reason I felt like dressing a little prettier today so I choose to wear my Black Sabbath shirt with a leather skirt and black fishnet stockings with my boots. I go to take a shower and get dressed straight away. I start to apply my makeup the way I usually do but make sure it looks perfect and then straighten my hair. Once I'm done and happy with the way I look I head downstairs and look around. I see my dad passed out on the couch in the living room with empty cans of Jack Daniels all over the floor. I decide to clean up the mess so that my mom wouldn't have to. When I finished cleaning up I checked the time and realized I would be late to school if I didn't leave now so I left the house without breakfast.

I Get to school and start feeling hungry, I have no food on me and I don't have any money so I can't buy anything, I guess I'll just have to go without. *sigh*I look up to see Brian walking towards me, I feel my heart start to race a little faster and I started to blush again. "Hey Sofia!" he says while waving to me, I smile back at him, "What cat got you tongue?" he says with a smirk, "No!I just umm, yeah hi." I say quickly. Brian slightly laughs at me and then looks into my eyes and continues to smirk. We suddenly snap out of looking into each others eyes when I hear Vicky's voice yelling in the distance, Brian and Iboth turn to face her, I see her running up to me about to hug me and I see Tash walking right behind her. "SOF!" Vicky says before tackling me into a hug that almost made us fall over. "Hi Vicky" I say, we look over to Brian and see him laughing at us. Vicky and Tash look over at him, "You must be Brian" they say at the same time. "Uh yeah how'd you guess?" he replies, "Well we got a pretty good description of you last night" says Vicky. Brian raises his eyebrows at me, I gulp. "Uh... This is Tash and Vicky" I say introducing him to my only friends, "So Brian, what class do you have first? Maybe we have the same class" Tash says while smiling at him (it's weird she never smiles, I've only seen her smile whenever she wants something...Oh.) I realize that she's interested in Brian, she must like him I thoughtto myself. I look down at the ground, "I have math first with Mr Lee, what about you?" Brian says in reply to Tash. "Crap, my teacher is Ms Cane. Well that sucks aw well I guess we can catch up at lunch." Tash says to him. "Uh yeah sure" he says in an unsure voice, I finally raise my head, "Great! See you later then Brian" Tash says with a wink. Tash starts to walk off leaving Vicky behind. "Hey wait up bitch! You know we have the same class together!" Vicky turns back to me and gives me a hug "We'll talk later" Vicky says to me before giving Brian a hug too and then running after Tash. I look up to Brian and see him still a little shocked that Vicky hugged him "Haha yeah Vicky's a very outgoing person, you'll get used to her" I reassure him. "Haha yeah I'm pretty sure I have no choice but to like her lol. So if you don't have math with them do you have math with me?" Brian looks at me with hopefulness, "Sure do! You Can't get rid of me that easily" I say with a smirk. "Good then let's go" Brian Says to me.

Brian and I sat next to each other during the lesson and he seemed to be pretty smartand seemed to really be into the class. I couldn't focus though, I kept thinking about Tash and how I couldn't compare to her when it came to boys.Tash is so beautiful, she has nice blonde hair and fair skin, and has perfect curves that all the boys go after, how could I compare with her? I feel my self-esteem getting lower. Brian looks over to me and see's I'm looking pretty serious he puts his hand on my thigh to get my attention, and it worked. I snap out of my thoughts when I feel Brian's hand on my thigh, I feel myself start to get goosebumps because his touch is so electric. I blush intensely and look him straightin the eye. He looks right back and I can tell he notices me blushing, I feel Brian lifting up a piece of my fishnet stocking and release it, it snaps back onto my skin and stings my thigh a little, he starts to giggle and I lightly slap him on his arm. "Ow!" he says loudly. We notice our teacher Mr Lee walk up to us, "What are you two up to? I'm trying to teach a lesson." Our teacher says to us, "Sorry Sir" Brian and I say at the same time, Mr Lee rolls his eyes and walks back to the front of the class and continues with the lesson, Brian and I quietly burst into laughter once he walked away, and we both continue to chat until the end of the lesson.


Lunch time finally arrives and Brian and I meet up with Tash and Vicky. "Hey guys!" I say to the girls, "Hey Brian" Tash says, "Hey Sof" Vicky says at the same time. We all sit down and start chatting. "So Brian, would you like to come to a party tonight? A friend of mine is having a party and has asked me to invite people, you girls are invited too by the way" Tash says. Vicky and I look at each other then turn back to Tash "What party!?" Vicky asks, "What friend!?" I ask. "It's just a regular house party hosted by a bunch of preps. Micky invited me." Replies Tash, "Micky? You mean the jock who has that massive crush on you? He's your friend? Since when!?" I say. "Since he was kind enough to invite me to his party" She replies with a smug look on her face, "Anyways is that a yes or no? Brian?" "Umm uhh I don't know... are you girls going?" Brian looks over to Vicky and I, which makes Tash look a little annoyed. "I'll go if you're going" I say with a smug look to make Tash jealous. "Okay let's go then" Brian replies with a warm smile, "Don't forget about me! I'll come too!" Vicky yells which makes us all laugh. "Okay, I'll text you guys the time and address, Brian what's your number?" Brian gives Tash and Vicky his number.


When school ends everyone heads out to the front of the school. I decide to wait around and see if I can catch Brian before he leaves, when I was about to give up and start walking away I felt someone pinch my butt, I quickly turn myself around and was about to slap the person behind me when I realised it was Brian. "Brian! Are you crazy! I could of hit you!" I raised my voice at him, "Sorry! Sorry... I surrender" He says while giggling with his arms up to show he surrendered. "So were you waiting for me or do you usually wait this long after school?" He asks. "Umm well I... Yeah I waited for you" I said while looking down at the ground. "Good I'm glad I wanted to see you one last time before you left" He said. "Oh and why is that?" I ask, "Because... I thought you looked really beautiful today... plus those fishnets make you look really hot" Brian says shyly. I raise my head to look at Brian's face and I see him blushing! (OMG does this mean he likes me!? I thought to myself) ", really beautiful? You think I look beautiful?" I ask just to make sure, "Yeah of course! I wouldn't lie to you" he said with an honest look on his face. "Thanks Brian, you look pretty good too...Anyways! I'll see you later tonight at the party" I quickly say. "Haha yeah see ya later Sof" he says with a wink, and we go our separate ways.


I get home and see that nobodies there, I yell to ask if anyone's home but I get no answer, I sigh because I start to feel alone but then I thought that it's probably a good thing their not here makes it easier to go to the party. I hear my stomach make noises and then I remembered that I hadn't eaten all day, I walk over to the fridge and see nothing but newly stacked beer. "Great! Now I'm going to starve to death!" I say angrily, "There better be food at the party".

I have a shower and get dressed into some black shorts and an Alice Cooper shirt and I decide to keep my fishnets on and then I put on my black boots. I redid my makeup and hair, then sit on my bed and start listening to some Sabbath, I finally get a text from Tash and she gives me the address to the party, I head out.

(Next chapter is about the party)

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