Chapter 16

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Just as I thought this moment couldn't get any better, Brian begins to kneel down in front of me and I see him pull something out of his pocket...
"Brian...what are you doing?" I say stunned.
"Sofia, I want you to know that I love you very much and that your the only person in this world that I want to ever be with..." He replies.
Brian finally pulls out what ever it was he had in his pocket and holds it out in front of me in his hand.
Seconds felt like hours in this moment, and I could feel all the butterfly's fluttering around like crazy in my stomach. But that all came to a stop once Brian opened the small little black box he had in his hand and I caught a glimpse of a diamond ring that shinned brightly in my eyes.
"Sofia... Will you marry me?" He asks.

Everyone in the room gasped, then the whole room went quiet.
I could feel my heart thumping against my chest loudly, just wanting to break through.
I open my mouth and just waited for the answer to come out.
"I...i..." I stop to look around the room. Everyone's eyes were on me just staring at me waiting anxiously for my answer, "Say yes!" "Yes!" "Yeah!" I heard people in the crowed shout, I tuned my head towards the back and see Tash and Vicky looking at me with the happiest expressions on their faces, Vicky looks right at me and nods her head to reassure me that its alright. I finally look back down to Brian kneeling down in front of me, he's looking right up at me with wide eyes and a hopeful look on his face, I mean how can I say no to that?

"Brian... of course I will" I reply.

I see a tear drip down Brian's cheek and a huge grin came across his face, Brian slowly stands up and then wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. I feel him kiss my forehead, "I cant believe you said yes" I hear him say in my ear with a teary voice". "Of course I did silly, I love you remember? aha." I reply with a teary voice too. He pulls away a little and looks into my eyes, "Oh shit! I almost forgot" He says, then looks down at the ring and takes it out of the box, "Here you go" He says with a smile. We both look down and watch as Brian puts the ring on my finger, I feel it slide on, "It's a perfect fit" I say. "Your perfect" Brian replies and looks back up into my eyes. "I love you" I say, "And I love you" He replies. We kiss passionately and the crowed we had forgotten existed for a moment, all cheered for us. This moment was perfect.

Hours later, after the band and I got off stage and we were all hanging out together having a good time and celebrating Brian and I's engagement. I started to feel a bit queasy. I turn to Brian, "Brian... I'm not feeling so good..." I say. He turns to me and put's a worried expression on his face, "What's wrong baby?" He asks. 'I...i don't know" I reply. All of a sudden I see Vicky come over to us, "Sof, you alright?" She asks and I shake my head to say no. "Come on, I'll take you to the restroom." She says. "I'll bring her back soon" Vicky says to Brian who still has a worried look on his face. "Okay" He replies. Vicky and I get up and head to the restroom.

Once we reached the restroom, the feeling of sickness consumed me, "Fuck" Is all I could say, before running into a bathroom stall and vomiting up everything I had consumed throughout the whole day. After about fifteen minutes of throwing up constantly, I finally came to a stop. With the help of Vicky who had been holding my hair back the entire time, I managed to get up off the floor and walk over to a sink where I cleaned myself off. "Sofia, what the fuck was that?" Vicky asks me. "I don't know, I probably just couldn't keep my alcohol down most likely aha." I say trying to reassure us. "Sof, you only had one drink tonight and you barely touched it... Have you been using protection lately?" She asks. "What? Of course I have... excep-" I start to say. "Expect what?" Vicky asks. "Except last night..." I reply. "Oh shit..." Vicky says. "What?" I reply nervously. "You don't think... you could be..." I cut her off. "No. There's no way I could be... could I?" I second guess myself. "I-i think we should find out." She replies.

Vicky and I leave the restroom and make our way back to everyone. Tash walks over to us with a puzzled look on her face, "Where were you guys, I was looking everywhere for you two." She says. "We'll explain everything on the way, but right now we've got to go" Vicky replies. "Oh, where are we going?" Tash asks. "To the drug store" Vicky replies. I walk over to Brian and the others, Vicky and Tash follow behind me. "Brian" I say to get his attention. He turns towards me, "Babe! Are you alight? You had me worried sick" He says in a panic. "Yeah, I feel a little better now. But me and the girls are going to head down to the drug store to get some medicine to make sure I feel better." I reply. "Oh, I see. Did you want me to come with you?" He asks. "No, no you should stay here with the guys and have a good time. I'll see you later okay." I reply. 'Okay babe, I love you." He says and kisses me on my lips gently before letting me go. We say our goodbyes and then head out to go to the drug store.

So Tash, Vicky and I all make our way to the drug store and on the way Vicky informs Tash on everything that is happening. "Holy shit!" Tash says in shock while walking behind me as we enter through the store. "Shhh" I whisper harshly, not wanting to get anymore attention than we already get for looking the way we do. "Sorry... It's just, what if it turns out that you are pregnant? Then you'll have to tell Brian and how will he react when he finds out? Do you think he'll be happy about it or do you think he'll freak out?" Tash says. I start to feel my anxiety rise up and I start scratching my arms, which is what I usually do when I start freak out. Vicky notices this and turns to Tash, "Tash... just shut up!" She raises her voice. "No don't worry about it, I was thinking the same thing. I just didn't want to say it, let alone hear it." I reply.

We finally approach the aisle which has the pregnancy tests. I was about to pick a box up when I freaked out, "Oh god...what am I doing? I can't do this..." I say and start to back away. Vicky grabs a hold of me and shakes me to snap me out of it. "Sof, listen to me. You need to do this, don't back out of this now. If you don't do this your going to regret it, okay?" She says bluntly looking right into my eyes. I nod my head and agree to do it. I see Tash walk over and pick up a box, she then hands it to me. "Alright let's do this." Vicky says and we all walk over to the counter. When we reach the counter the cashier looks at the box then back to us, "So which one's knocked up?" The cashier asks. Both Vicky and Tash look down at the ground. "Oh I see." The cashier says and scans the box. We finish paying for it, "Is there a restroom around here?" Vicky asks and I glare at her. "Yeah there's one at the back you can use." The cashier replies and we all make our way to the back of the store. Once we reach the restroom I turn to Vicky and Tash, "Would it be alright if you two could stay out here?" I ask. "You sure you don't want us to come in with you?" Tash asks. "Yeah I'm sure and can you make sure to let no one else in?" I ask. "Yeah sure, we can do that." Vicky replies.

I enter the restroom and walk into one of the stalls. I sit down on the seat and look down at the box in my hand, 'Oh gosh..." I say to myself and start to take big breaths in and out. "I can do this" I say to myself. I start to unwrap and open the box, I pull out one of the pregnancy tests and feel my heart start to race. After a while I started to calm down and I finally took the test. I took all five tests that were in the box and the results shocked me...

I'll leave it there for now...

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The boy that you loved, is the man that you fear~ Marilyn MansonWhere stories live. Discover now