the strider

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Be john ===>

For the past two weeks you have been on anxiety medication so the stress of everything doesn't take control and overwhelm you. You woke up and slip your glasses on. Today was the day the strider brothers were supposed to come. You lean over to a shelf karkat made for you so you could keep your glasses safe at night looking for the pill bottle. Your hand finds it and you pick it up and shake it Not looking. One thing wrong you didn't hear any noise. You look at the pill bottle to see that it was empty. Then it hit you. The nurse asked you to come by yesterday for a pill refill. You shot out of bed and thankful karkat was passing by. "karkat! Get the nurse! im out of pills!". You said panicked. " IM SORRY JOHN BUT SHE LEFT FOR HER WEDDING SHE IS GETTING MARRIED WONT BE BACK FOR LIKE A MONTH OR 2". He said coming over and taking the bottle. " BUT I WILL SEE WHAT I CAN DO FUCKER SO JUST CALM YOUR ASS THE BROTHERS WILL BE HERE IN 15 MINUTES SO IF YOU NEED HELP JUST CALL" he goes to walk away. " wait ! Can't you put me in a cell with jake and let the twins have this room?". You frantically said " JOHN YOU FUCKING KNOW I CANT DO THAT; ITS AGAINST THE RULES TO HAVE BLOOD LINES IN THE SAME CELL -- WHAT IF THEY PLOT SOMETHING ? I KNOW YOU AND JAKE WON'T BUT THE BROTHERS WILL... I'M SORRY" karkat come over " I WILL DO MY BEST OKAY" he added before going off. You take deep breaths and count to 10 and crawl back into bed. As you close your eyes and try and sleep you hear footsteps. You hide your face under the covers of your bed. Tour door unlocked and you heard someone getting pushed in. "DON'T SPEAK OUT OF LINE DON'T TOUCH ANYONE AND DEFINITELY DON'T TOUCH JOHN NOOK SNIFFER UNDERSTAND!?" karkat yelled slamming and locking the door. You jolt at the loud bang and just try and stay calm. You find yourself biting your finger tips. " the fuck was up with him and his yelling man gave me a fucking headache." the guy said with a texan accent. He sat in his bed or what you thought he was doing and the minutes tick by. They felt like eternity "hey you up there who is this john person ?". The guy asked as you froze ". Uh...why"? You tried to sound annoyed. " cuz i fucking asked the short guard guy seemed to care for him". He added. You felt a small relief " i might wanna kick his ass just to make the guard mad". He said making your stomach dropped. 'He's gonna kill me...' You think to yourself 'this is how i die; by some guy with lots of tattoos whos probably gonna rape my dead body...' "what are you in for?" the boy asked . ".....murder, 5 counts....." you try and sound mean. Maybe he will back off?. "ohh~ how was it killing? What did you feel?" the boy said. "...what do you mean i didn't" you were in the middle of speaking when he cut in. "when i first killed it was such an incredible high i got.. i felt in control and powerful. it got addictive". You hear him smirk . You jolt and try and not let tears fall from your eyes. As you shake slightly. Thats when karkat saved the day. " JOHN TIME FOR THE LIBRARY" he said opening the door. Of course he said your name but you quickly get out of bed and left the cell. You caught a side look of the young strider. His gaze followed you out of the cell. Jake was waiting and you walk over to him your legs gave out some. " oh my fucking god my roommate is a psycho! he said he enjoyed the killing feeling and it was like a drug jake this man is gonna kill me!" Jake caught you and holds you up. "john got the last bloody time you must understand that you need to man up i can teach you stuff if you want to defend yourself but you need to understand that this is your life now !". Jake said shaking you some . You nod and stand up and walk to the library checking out a few books.m you normally didn't like people seeing you read but the books will keep your mind of the strider.

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