a fight

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Be dirk=== =>

You sat there, looking at the guys who jake had just beaten up. The guards were taking them away. " bro do you think..?"Dave started to say. you cut him off. " i'm gonna fucking find out". You leave and head to a female guard that, from the way she stared at you, had the hots for you.

~ about an hour time skip~
You left the bathroom with your new information. You fix your pants and shirt. You do prefer guys over girls but it helps if you need something. Jake, your cellmate was Green Gun. To be honest, he wasn't at all like what you thought he'd be. You expected a mean guy or at least something threatening not....that dorky sassy british man. You were angry but more excited then ever; now that you knew he could fight. You have been looking forward to this day... The day you beat the infamous Green Gun's ass. His ass... he did have a nice ass. You shook your head. You were here strictly to kick his ass not fuck it. Karkat found you and he looked mad. " YOU! YOU FUCKING NOOK SNIFFER ! COME HERE EVERYONE IS OUT IN THE COURTYARD. LETS FUCKING GO". He grabbed your arm and pulled you outside where dave was waiting . "I see you took your time to come~" he holds in a laugh from the joke he made. " not now" you walk past going straight to jake who was talking to john. "fight me jake" you demanded. He looks at you " let's go john." he took his cousin's arms and went to walk away. " Whats the matter?! Are you chicken, Green Gun?!" you snarl out. Jake froze he let go of john and walks over. " who told you that? Only the guards know". Jake looks serious and mad. You just smirk. " I'll let you know after I kick your ass". You swing at him and just like that, he moved out of the way, easily dodging your punch with an annoyed look on his face. A group of onlookers started to form. A few of them smirk when they see the matchup. " i don't have time for you" jake said walking away. " thats funny cause the last time I checked; you're in jail and you have all the time in the world you're just upset you couldn't-" jake cuts you off by lunging at you. He was fast and he was going for a sweet spot. Your block his blow and jump back. You feign a punch, aiming for his the face, but you fake him out with a left kick. Jake blocks it easy. He grabbed onto your leg and started to spin with you. " fuck". Was all you let out of your mouth as he let you go. You fell back but saved yourself with a flip. You land on your feet . Before you had time to settle, jake was there. He punches at you but you grab his hand and twist his arm behind his back where he shouldn't be able to move. He growls and headbutts you in the nose. That made you let go. He went for another hit but you kicked him in the stomach making him stumble back. You both were in a match of blocking. It was like a round of mortal combat; Jake was that one annoying kid who just blocks and when he finally attacks you go and block right back. The even the guards, who were SUPPOSED to be breaking up the fight, just watched in awe. You both throw a punch. Your hands glide past one another. You both realize it too. His hand hits you right in the side of the head. It made your neck crack some. You felt his neck crack against your first as well. you hit him about the same place.
Be dave ⇒

You guess your brother had found Green Gun and it was his cellmate jake. He was in the middle of fighting him. This fight was NOT like any regular fight. Jake and dirk were both very skilled in fighting; even if jake was a thief and your brother a common criminal. This wasnt your everyday prison brawl.This one was more of a... tournament. Jake blocks dirks hits and dirk blocks jakes. It was a pretty big shock to see someone who was able to keep up with dirk. All of a sudden they both land a punch in each others faces. You smirk, knowing that dirk won -- he could always take a hit. Your smirk fades when they both didn't pull away after the punch. They both stood there. Then in a blink of an eye dropped like flies. Your eyes widened. The fight ...was a draw? John looks just as surprised as you did. This fight that made the guards stop and watch ended in a draw? . Dirk an jake was out cold as they get a stretcher and take him and jake away. The group of people who watched slowly left and it was only you and john. You turn to him. John flinched "your ...um brother can fight.."he said shyly. You walk over and lean down to him getting super close. " so can your fucking cousin." you said with an annoyed tone. all john did in response was gulp and stay quiet

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