nervous much

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Be Dave === >

For the next few weeks, John was extremely jumpy. You watched him make the girls lunches. He was stumbling with his hands a lot, so you walk up to him. "John...? What's wrong?" You said softly, trying not to scare him but it didn't work. John jumped so far out of his skin that you could've played the xylophone on his ribs. "O-oh, Dave it's just you... Hey, hello, what's up...?" He said smiling and trying not to seem nervous. "You have been really jumpy lately... What's wrong?" You asked, going to hold his face. He quickly slapped your hand away. " WHO'S JUMPY? I'M NOT JUMPY! WHAT DOES JUMPY EVEN MEAN? AAANYWAYS... AHAHA! OH, WOULD YA LOOK AT THAT? I'M LATE FOR BINGO!" John rambled before running out the door.
"J-John...? Wait! You don't even play bingo! " You exclaimed. Then you heard a yell from far away. "WELL I DO NOW BITCH!" John yelled running down the street. "...He forgot to finish the kids lunch... and that he drives them... Shit." You turn and see small sandwiches. "Okay... I can do this... It's not that bad." You tell yourself as you start wrapping them up and putting them in different bags. You went to go grab something to drink for them but you couldn't find anything, so you grabbed a juice for Jane and a water for Roxy. The water bottle was weird and the cap had clearly already been twisted off, but you wrote it off as nothing. John liked to reuse bottles, so it was probably nothing to worry about. After putting that in, you grab a handful of gummy bears and throw a handful in the bags. "Chips next." You say to yourself before grabbing a big bag of Doritos. You dump a good amount into each bag before closing the bags. "Kids, let's go! Don't forget to grab your lunches!" You yelled as they came down stairs with their bags on their backs. They both took their lunches and went out to the car. You followed them outside, putting them in their chairs before you got in and started driving them to school.

Be John = = = >

The man on the phone called you again this morning, telling you to go pick up some things at this drop off you were currently walking to. It felt like eyes were burning into your back as you picked up the suspicious looking bag. You didn't dare question a thing though; you would do anything for your Family. The voice said to drop it off on a metro line to some place. All you knew was that you had to drop the bag off on the red line. You walked into the subway place, getting on the first red train you saw. You sat in the back, waiting for the train to stop at the next place. As soon as the door opened, you stand up and leave the train as more people got on. Your heart was beating like mad. You didn't care, you just tried to leave that place fast as hell. And fast as hell you did. You walked up the stairs to the streets to feel like a load of bricks was just taken off of your shoulders. You started to walk when you saw Sollux entering a store. " Hey, Sollux! " You called out as he turned around. "Oh! Hey there John. How2 it going? Why are you down here? " He asked curiously. You followed him into the store to talk to him "I'm here for, umm... For work but how is Karkat doing?" You asked, looking at the floor. "He2 doing great ...load2 of nothing..." Sollux said in an annoyed tone. "I mean... He2 pregnant. 2o what do you expect?" You chuckle at him. He just shrugged and continues to shop ".....Hey....Sollux..... If someone threatened the life of not only you but Karkat and your baby or babies ...what would you do?" You asked slowly. "Well... I would call the police, but... 2ince I 2orta am the police... I gue22 I would ju2t tell the chief." He said making you swallow hard. "What if you couldn't tell anyone because if you did then the person would kill them and more people...?" you asked, starting to get nervous. Sollux looked at you then back at the chips. "Anything they a2ked me to do -- legal or not." He said then paused "Why do you a2k...?" Sollux added, making your stomach do a flip. "O-Oh! I-I'm just reading this book that has a situation like that in it and well... It, uh... It just got me thinking. W-Well, I have to go now, bye!" You blurted out before leaving Sollux standing there alone. You didn't wanna walk so you got a taxi. As he was driving you home, his phone rang. He spoke into it and paused before looking back at you. He hands you the phone. "It's for you." This made your skin go cold. You put the phone up to your ear.

" Good work today, John... I like my new toys. They're very... Sharp." The mystery caller snickered. "I will call again tomorrow with another task for you."

With that, the phone call ended. You hand the man his phone and sit there quietly. The man was looking at you funny through his rear view the whole ride home. When he pulled up you handed him a 10 and got out of the car before going inside straight to the fridge to get yourself that 'water bottle' but it was gone. "..Dave...? Where is the water bottle that was in here?" You asked him as he came down stairs. "Oh, I put it in Roxy's lunch. They were out of that Sunny-D stuff." Dave said making your heart stop pumping for a minute. "....Dave....T-That..wasn't a water bottle.... that was a water bottle. ..HOLDING VODKA!" You yelled at him. He just froze ".....Oh...." He said, the air was frozen for a minute until both of you ran out to the car and drove to the school. When you got there, you had to sign in and that took time but after Dave signed in he was off to find her as you said the kids have a doctor's appointment. The lady pulls them from class, making you sigh a bit. "Let's go..." Dave sighed, holding both girls in his arms as you all left the school. You followed happy you got there in time. You jump in the car as Dave put Roxy and Jane on the car. " But Daaadddyyy! I don't wanna go home! I wanna stay with you and Mooommmy!" Roxy slurred out adding a giggle. "...We didn't get here in time... Good job, Dave... " You mumble out. Dave got in after you. "Hey, it's not my fucking fault that you put vodka in a water bottle." He snapped back at you. For the rest of the car ride and most of the day, you two fought about anything and everything.

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