happy ending

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(Yes loves this is the last chapter if you love my books which i highly doubt is possible but i plan on doing many good things i have a few AU stories lined up

Demonstuck the sequel

Titanstuck (attack on titan homestuck

Homestuck(d&D stuck in a videogame with npc John and Jake)

20's stuck (fan request its takes place in the 1920s when alcohol was banned and stuff)

Herostuck (super hero d&D villain j&J )

And i already have the set storylines for them so stay in wait they will be great loves. )
/steal anything like that and i will break your dick or tits\

Be Dave =====>
It's been a few weeks since John was let go from the hospital. He has a fractured rib and a few bruised organs. Other than a black eye and a bruised stomach, he's fine on the outside. You feel really really bad for what you did to him but when your husband is acting weird around you, you're not going to guess ' oohh maybe they're doing illegal stuff to protect me and our kids, let alone kids at school!' You mentally slap yourself. "Daave! Fooooddd!" John yelled from upstairs. You have personally become his bitch until he is better. You've offered to take care of everything he needs, and for payback, he's been really milking it. You sigh, picking up his soup and water before taking it up to him. He is on a light food diet, but only until he is better. "Here you go, my master..." You said in an annoyed tone. "Hey! Don't use that tone with me..." John mumbled as he sat up before wincing. You sigh as you go to him sit up. You put the soup on a pillow on his lap so that he can eat. John turns the news on and on the screen was.

" Gamzee (on the run),
Vriska (on the run),
Caliborn ( deceased)"

"The wanted criminals that escaped from jail with the help of none other than John Egbert have been seen in Virginia. On the night they escaped, the driver John Egbert crashed, blacking out but the criminal minds did not. Caliborn was shot to death when he tried to kill an officer. Gamzee and Vriska escaped into the sewer lines with all the commotion. In other news, John Egbert is somehow back on the streets, doing god knows what..." The snobby reporter lady said.

"Actually, did you hear why John egbert did it?" The man sitting next to her asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Because he is a criminal himself? Like the rest of those degenerates?" She snorted back at her partner.

The man rolled his eyes. "No...? As reported from the his own court hearing, he did it because he was threatened into it. Caliborn hired a man to blackmail John Egbert, telling him that if he did not comply with the rules, John's husband and kids would be killed -- the kids' school, T.C. Elementary, would be a target as well. John Egbert had no choice. If he ran, than other parents would lose their children. If he did comply, which he did, he would have to risk being put in jail; but thankfully, he didn't get put away. He is a good man, before and after what he did." The man said, making John smile a bit. He then flips to another channel and, just his luck, a Nicolas Cage movie was on. He smiled happily eating his soup.

A smile pulled on the corner of your mouth as the door rang. You went downstairs to get it and find out it was Dirk and Jake.

"Hey, how is he?" Jake asked a bit worried. They weren't able to get over here fast due to the heat they're bringing onto themselves. "He is doing well and getting better everyday..." You sigh, rubbing the back of your neck as Jake walks in and up to the room. Dirk just looks at you. "Man... All this drama, and you still can't get laid, huh?" He smirked at you. If you weren't so tired, you'd punch him in the face. "Shut up..." You mumbled out going to the kitchen to clean up. He just followed you. "Hey, you doing okay?" Dirk asked. "I'm doing fine and dandy. You know, life is just GREAT when you feel like horse shit for thinking that your husband was cheating on you when, in reality, he was only trying to protect you and your family!" You snapped at him. He just sighs. "You're still a kid, Dave; even when you're grown up..." He commented. "Look who the fuck is talking!" You snapped again. "Watch your tone, bro, or I might actually strife with you." Dirk glared at you. "Alright, fine! Let's fucking go!" You yelled at him. "NO. You two will not 'fucking go'. You will both go sit the bloody fuck down." Jake yelled from upstairs. Dirk rolled his eyes and did as he was told. Which was funny, because he didn't do much of what he was told to do...

The rest of the day went by okay enough, You and Dirk went to go pick up Roxy and Jane from school. You both took them to a store and shoplifted the shit out of it, then came home to Jake making dinner. John, once again, had soup which he was not happy about since he wanted pizza. After that, you tucked the kids into bed then said goodbye to your brother and Jake. They said that they'd stop by again tomorrow or the day after that.
"See you later, lil man." Dirk comments before he turned to walk away.

"Daavvvee~ Coommee baacckk heerreee!" John yelled from the room, sounding a bit too needy.
"Well, whaddaya know... Guess you are getting laid again before you turn 80!" Dirk laughs.
"I'm only 20 now! Aw, shut up. See ya." You said annoyed before closing the door.

You go upstairs to John. "Yes, Egderp?" You said before you froze/ John was in a skimpy outfit standing in the doorway waiting "Hi..." He said, a bit slow and embarrassed. Oh god help you now. "Um... Why are you wearing that?" You asked looking away a bit while trying to control yourself.

"Because. I'm doped up on morphine and I wanna have sex " He said bluntly "Now, you can leave or~ You can come over here... Daddy." He said blushing again. Oh lord of all hell, this boy... You go over to him "That's Master to you." You said with a cold smirk as you kicked the door shut behind you. I guess you really were getting laid tonight after all.

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