dave and his hands

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be john ====>

Dave had been giving you a dirty look ever since his brother fought Jake and got in a tie. why was he mad at you? hell if you knew. all he needed to do was stare at you with his red eyes. he always asked for his sunglasses, but they never gave them to him. i mean, you see no problem with his eye. they did freak you out at first, and they still do but you kinda like them; they fit him and his bloodthirsty ways. you both were now in your cell and he was sitting on his bed just eyeing you. it was killing you till you snapped and that was a big mistake. " why the hell are you looking at me? i wasn't the one who kicked his ass!" you blurted out, almost instantly regretting it. he flew up and was in your face in a heartbeat. " dirk didn't lose -- he LET him win because he has a crush on him " Dave growled out . you don't know what got into you today but you wouldn't stop digging your grave. " Jake wouldn't kick a disabled persons ass". Dave got an angry look in his eye, like he was gonna break your neck, but of course that made you go on. " personally both of you are idiots! why would you continue to make your life hell when you could of stopped and that growing up in a bad house hold doesn't do jack squat so you just act up because you and your brother never got the attention you both so desperately crave. its written all over your face! you think you are cool. to cool for everyone but you look like a fucking fool! both of you are dropouts. do you find it cool to be jobless? find it awesome that the world looks down on you? if you do, then you're far past an idiot but there has to be some human part in you someplace, if it wasn't destroyed, that fucking cares and get the hell out of my face" you just let out the frustration that was built up in you. you didn't even realize you had pushed him off and made him stumble. "great job egbert. you and your mouth just dug your grave and Dave was gonna put you in it..." you thought and gasp and close your eyes, waiting for him to lash out and probably kill you but he didn't. you open your eyes to Dave faced to the wall laying in his bed. you didn't know if this was a good or bad sign so you calmly but shaken lay down and fall asleep. you were expecting him to kill you in his sleep but you woke up to him gone and karkat in your cell leaning on the wall. " OOOOHH NOW YOU WANNA WAKE THE FUCK UP I HAVE BEEN STANDING HERE FOR 15 MINUTES.'' he yelled, handing you your food. he knows you don't like sweets so he would get you a bag of chips from the staff vending machine. " you know karkat you don't have to do this stuff it just shows how nice you are even if you try an act mean" you took the food and set it on the bed and watch karkats face turn red. " I AM NOT NICE FUCK YOU JOHN YOUR NOT GOING TO THE LIBRARY BECAUSE GUESS WHAT I'M THE GUARD AND YOUR THE PRISONER". karkat yelled and storms out slamming your cell door closed. you chuckle and eat the food. you ate half before you were done. karkat soon came back taking the tray away. he looks at the food you left on the plate. it was more then half left. " JOHN I SWEAR IF YOU'RE STARVING YOURSELF I WILL FORCE FEED YOU" he glared at you. a small smile came across your face " im not i just don't eat much is all" you say jumping down from your bed. he goes to walk away but you hug him some " thank you karkat you are the only true friend i have ha-ha " you let him go and karkat faced away from you. " YA YA FUCK FACE I HAVE TO GO TO WORK NOW SO SHUT UP AND ITS TIME FOR THE COURT YARD" he said hurrying out of the room. you smile and follow him to the yard where you wait in your normal spot for Jake and for karkat to finish getting the prisoners. karkat soon come back . " JAKE IS SICK IN THE MED BAY AND I HAVE TO GO WATCH SOME PRISONER IN BLOCK E SO YOU WILL BE ALONE! I'M SORRY I WILL SEND A GUARD TO WATCH YOU OKAY" . with that karkat left you standing there alone. you felt your stomach drop but you just stand there watching the other inmates do there thing. "yo runt that's my spot" a big guy comes over . he was the same man who punched you in the face the first day you were here. " actually me and Jake have been here since we came here and not once have you come over here". you said and oh god you didn't know what got into this past few days. " whatcha say you little brat" the man grabbed your shirt and pulled you up some. " oh i know you probably flunked out of grade school but i didn't know you were that stupid." you said you just were so tired of being the runt everyone stepped on your mouth wouldn't shut up. the guy raised his fist to punch you in the face hard. you gasp and close your eyes waiting for the hit but it didn't happen but what did happen was you were dropped. you open your eyes to Dave standing between you and the man. you were kinda shocked after what you said to him but here he is saving you?. " yo lil man back up me beef is with that one". the man said anger filling his voice . Dave didn't move " naw this one is mine touch him i will kill you if anyone beats his ass it will be me not you". Dave ended the sentence with the flick of his head signaling for the man to get lost. the tall man growled and went to punch Dave. Dave simply moves and punched him in return. the man stumbled back and fall back out cold. Dave turns to you and leaned down and picked you up by your shirt getting close. " you are mine now got it egderp if anyone will kick your ass it will be me and me alone got it." his red eyes feel like there staring into your soul. you just gulp and nod.

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