Chapter Two

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"We have to call the police Carter! We have to send that bastard to jail!" My mom was pacing around the room in anger.

"NO! He didn't do anything to me mom! Please, please, please don't say anything!" I looked at her with tears in my eyes.

"He didn't do anything?! Carter! He hit you! He tried to rape you! WE are sending that ass to jail!" She sat right next to me rubbing my back, making sure I knew she was there.

"Mom don't you think I told him that I would go to the police!? Do you want to know what he said? He said that he will find a way to pin this on me! Mom you know who his dad is and even his mom! His mom is one of the best attorneys on the east coast! I-I just can't do this, please just please don't let me do this!" I looked up at her and saw her face in her hands, her shoulders began to shake and I knew why. "Please mom, don't cry! I am alright! I know that I have a couple of bruises and scrapes but mom, I'm fine! We will get through this and I swear he will not mess with me again!"

She looked at me and gave a small laugh, "I should be telling you this Carter, not the other way around! How did I get so lucky to have a daughter like you? You are so strong, just like your father. I'm glad you have his strength because I would lose it right now."

"If only he were here..." I said quietly as I let more tears fall.

"You know he would beat Trevor to a pulp." My mom smiled at me with tears running down her cheeks. "We need to get that cut cleaned Carter, I could take you to my office and patch you up there?"

"No, I don't want to go to the hospital. Can you just clean it here?" She gave me a look of frustration.

"I forgot you also have you father's stubbornness! Fine, I will clean it here, but all my materials are downstairs. Come on, I'll help you up." She gave me her hand and I took it, being careful not to step on my left foot.

After my mom cleaned up my foot, she dressed up the wound on the side of my forehead and she had told me that I was lucky my nose was not broken, it was going to take a while to heal, but she knew I was a warrior. My lip was not that bad and the scraps on my body would heal within time, but I didn't care, I had no one to impress.

"Mom, is it okay if I spend the night downstairs? I don't want to go back up to my room right now..."

"The bed in your brother's room is free, I'll stay with you until you fall asleep mama." I smiled at her, thankful that she was going to be with me.


The following morning I woke up and saw my mom asleep on the edge of my bed. I slowly got up from my brothers bed and checked the clock, 7:24. Hopping on one foot was difficult when my legs were sore from the run I had last night and all those tumbles. Grabbing my phone from Jake's dresser, I saw I had four messages and eighteen missed calls. The eighteen missed calls and three messages were from Emma and the last message was from Trevor. I decided to check Emma's message first.

Emma: Hey Carter! It's 4:30 in the morning and I just wanted to tell you I'm on my way to Cancun! Ahh! I'm going to miss you babe! I hope you had a great time at the party! Did you and Trev get busy? Wink, wink! Call me asap I wanna hear everything!

Emma: My flight has been delayed! Boo that whore! Well I guess I'll go on Twittah to keep myself occupied!


I looked at the last message, fresh tears starting to form in the back of my eyes. Forgetting about Trevor's message, I checked it. One picture message. Opening it, I saw one word on what looks like a garage door: Bitch! Looking carefully, I noticed the address on the corner of the garage door, 1317. My address. I was about to drop my phone on the floor, but I saw the picture had a text message attached to it.

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